Chapter Nine

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Windows down, music full blast, you scream the lyrics of your latest demo. Adrenaline and dopamine rush through your system and you can't help but smile. Everything's going so great; you and Scotty have been happily together for a few months now, my fans are loving your latest videos, your music's coming along great-- you couldn't be happier.

The only issue is yours and Scotty's relationship still has to stay a secret. You tried to convince Mr. Bowler to allow you to date Scotty, but he wasn't having it. He just reiterated the contract, telling you they need you single for "publicity reasons".

That, and you're still a little concerned about David. He didn't use the footage of you and Scotty, but he didn't delete it either. And he still hasn't explained what happened that night after dinner. And he still doesn't know about you and Scotty, you think he thinks you're still single.

Whatever, you're with Scotty now, you don't need to worry about that. you'll tell everyone eventually.

Your music fades out and the Facetime call tone comes through. You look to see that it is Scotty calling you. You answer as you pull up to your apartment building and roll into the parking lot.

"Hey, babe," Scotty says as the call connects. Your chest swells with joy at the nickname.

"Hey, one second," You respond. You ride the elevator to your floor and enter your apartment. You kick off your shoes and collapse on the couch. "Okay, what's up?"

"Not much, I was just wondering... how long do we have to keep this," he gestures between you two, "a secret? I keep almost slipping up, and it's getting harder to hide it. Like, I spent so long hiding my feelings for you from you, but now I'm hiding it from our friends and I just..." He sighs, "I don't know,"

"I get it," You reply. "It's getting hard for me, too," you rub your forehead.

"Did you talk to Mr. Bowler?"

"Yeah, I tried, but he wasn't having it,"

"Do you think we could tell our friends soon at least?"

"Yeah, I think David's throwing a party later this week, we could probably tell everyone then,"

"Yeah, I think that'll be good. As for tonight... how about dinner? I could pick up something on my way over and we have a night in together?"

"Ooh, that sounds fun, what are thinking of getting?"

"Probably Chipotle, if that's good with you,"

"Yeah, that's good with me, when?"

"Right now?"

You glance at the clock before responding, "so like seven?"

"Yeah... that's what time it is," Scotty says with a laugh and you smile. "Choose a movie before I get there, yeah?"

"Alright, yeah, see ya soon, babe, bye,"

"Bye," Scotty replies before you hang up the call. You pull up your Xbox and begin playing Minecraft.

You are running away from a creeper after dropping your sword when there's a knock at your door. You pause the game and get up to answer the door, revealing Scotty behind it. He smiles and presents a box of Chipotle.

"Hey!" You say, stepping away so he can enter the apartment. Kicking the door closed, you wrap your arms around Scotty's waist, "I missed you,"

"Babe, it's been, like, a day," Scott replies, setting the food on the coffee table and sitting down on the couch. You sit beside him as he wraps his arm around your shoulders.

"That's a day too long," You say, only half-joking. Scotty breathes a laugh and grabs the controller.

"Did you choose a movie?" He asks.

"Uh... I was playing Minecraft,"

"Oh, I see how it is,"

"How what is?"

"I do all this work for you," He jokes, gesturing towards the food, "And you don't do the one thing I asked you to do?"

"I'm sorry! I got distracted!"

Scotty sighs and shakes his head, "I'm disappointed." You roll your eyes and prepare your response.

"I would beg to differ. It's not my fault--" you are cut off when the doorbell rings.

"Who's that?" Scotty asks absentmindedly. You shrug and get up from the couch, heading over to the door. You open it, revealing David standing in the hallway.

"Hey, Dave, what's up?" You say.

"Hey, Y/N, I was wondering if you wanted to go out to dinner tonight. We could go to the Chateau, The Perch, or wherever. I'll pay,"

"I'm sorry, what?" You furrow your brows, thoroughly confused.


"Are you asking me on a date, David?"

"Uh... yeah?" You pull the door closer to you, trying to block the sound from Scotty.

"Look, David, I..." you pause, trying to form a way to let him down without exposing you and Scotty. Not yet. "I love you, bud, I really do, just... not in that way,"

"Oh..." David's face drops. He glances behind you, "Oh, I see,"

"I'm sorry,"

"No, I'm sorry, I'll see you at the party?"

"Yeah, for sure," You say with a smile, trying to lighten the mood.

David smiles and nods, "Have a good night." He starts heading back towards the elevator.

"You, too!" you call after him. He just waves and steps onto the elevator. You step back into the apartment and return to the couch.

"Who was it?" Scotty asks.

"Just David," You reply.

"Oh, what'd Dave want?"

"Nothing important," you brush away the topic.

"Okay. I chose a movie, by the way,"

"What is it?" you ask, cuddling into Scotty's side, his arm around you. Scotty reads the description of the movie he chose. You agree to watch it and he presses play. As laughter and suspense from the movie fills the room, any thoughts about David fade away from your mind.

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