Chapter One

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You wake up abruptly to the sound of your phone vibrating on your nightstand. you open your eyes and dart your hand out, grabbing your phone. Turning the screen towards me, you see a video call coming from Matt King. you click the answer button and wait for the call to connect.

"Hey, Matt," you say when you see his face.

"Y/N!" Matt says, a little loudly.

"Why are you calling me so early?" you ask, groaning as you unplug your phone and roll to lay on your other side.

"Y/N, it's literally 12 p.m.," Matt responds. you check the time, seeing that it is, in fact, 12 p.m.

"Oh, shit, I should get up," you say, leaning up and stretching slightly. "Anyway, what do you want?"

"Well, me and Zane are filmin' a video and we were just thinkin' it'd be great for you to stop by!" Matt says in his Southern accent, which causes you to laugh.

"Come over!" you hear Zane shout in the background.

"I mean..." you take a few moments to think and make sure you don't have any plans for the day. "Sure, I guess I can come over,"

"Great! Um... how long do you think you'll be?" Matt asks.

"Um... thirty minutes?" you respond.

"Okay, cool, see you later,"

"Bye!" you say, ending the call. you sigh slightly, taking in the sun coming in through the window, before rolling out of bed and heading towards your closet. you begin looking through the clothes hung up and through the drawers. you grab a pair of leggings and a grey t-shirt. you don't really put a lot of effort into the outfit because you know you're just going to be around Zane and Matt, maybe Heath if he stops by.

You take the clothes and your phone into the bathroom and set them on the counter. you hear your phone start buzzing again and you look to see who it is. you expect it to be Zane or Matt again, but your heart stops for a moment when you see it is Scotty. you start freaking out, wondering what he wants; you're not sure why though, it's not like you like him or anything. He probably has tons of girls wanting to date him, honestly. I mean, look at him!

You click answer and put it on speaker.

"Hey!" Scotty says.

"H-hey, what's up?" you say.

"Not much, I'm planning heading to the studio later and I was wondering if you'd want to come with." He pauses for a moment, "I get it if your busy or something, but I think it'd be really cool if you'd come down,"

"Oh! Uh, When?" you ask.

"Um... in about an hour or two,"

"Okay, yeah, sounds great, I'll be there," you say.

"Okay, cool! See you then," Scotty says.

"See ya," you respond as he ends the call. you clutch your heart, feeling it about to beat out of your chest. you soon remember the old t-shirt and leggings sitting on the counter and almost gasp.

"I can't wear that," you say to yourself, scooping up the clothes and rushing out of the bathroom. you pull open your closet again, pulling different items out, looking at them in disgust, and throwing them behind you. By the time you find a decent outfit, your room is a disaster. you take your outfit, a black cropped sweater and plaid pants, into the bathroom and set it on the counter before doing a half-assed cleaning of your room. you head back to the bathroom and hop in the shower.

When you are done in the shower, you climb out, dry off, and get dressed. you exit the bathroom and put your pajamas in the dirty clothes bin and enter your kitchen.

Jealousy | Scotty Sire X Reader (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now