Chapter Fifteen | The End

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Y/N's P.O.V.

You can't move your body. It feels like you're having sleep paralysis. You try to open your eyes, but they refuse to. You remember what happened to you in the car, the crash. Wait... are you dead? Did you die in that crash? You hope so. All of your friends betrayed you. Your fans hate you. You have no career. Clearly, it wouldn't matter if you just... disappeared.

You feel a presence near you and become wary of them, unsure of who-- or what-- it could be. You soon hear a familiar voice speaking to you. Are you alive?

"I... I don't even know where to start," you quickly recognise the voice as Scotty's. "Y/N, you have helped me through so much over the time that I have known you. You never hesitate to be there for me, whether it's YouTube related, or just listening to me ramble about something you don't care about, you've always been there. And I can't thank you enough..." Scotty pauses and you hear him sniffle. He takes a deep breath before speaking again, "And I..." his voice breaks, "I can't imagine my life without you. Without your smile, your laugh, the energy you bring into a room; the way you lift people up and continuously encourage them is amazing. The way you push me out of my comfort zone, which always turns out better than I think it will because... I'm with you..." Your heart aches in your chest as he speaks. "I've cherished every moment with you even when we do nothing but sit and talk, every time I get to see you smile, to... smell you when I get a chance. When I hug you, it's like there's nothing else in this world but us and nothing can hurt me... I never want to lose that. So please, Y/N, please... wake up, I need you," Scott pauses for a short moment, "we need you," Scotty finishes and lets go of your hand. "Uh, your turn," He says. You try to reach out for him, wanting him to come back, to know that you're still here, that you feel the same. You need him.

"Scotty! Scotty!" You scream in your head. But you can't move.

You soon hear David's voice speaking to you.

"Hey, Y/N..." If you could turn away, or cover your ears, you would. "I'm so sorry," He says, the end breaking, as if he was almost crying. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen, I swear. I wish I could go back in time and fix everything, but I can't. I should've stopped you from walking out that door-- no, I just never should've uploaded that video. That was a dick move and I'm so sorry for the pain I've put you through..." He pauses for a few moments. You wiggle your toes slightly. Nothing noticeable, but... certainly noticeable by you. "I understand if when you wake up, you never want to see me again. All that matters to me now is that you are happy, and if that's with Scotty, then that's okay. And if that's as far away from me as you can get, then okay, as long as you're happy and safe." He pauses again. You gain control over your eyes, looking around the darkness, still unable to open them. "But if you do decide to give me another chance, then I will do anything and everything it takes for you to forgive me... Whatever you want, I'll give it to you. With that being said, please wake up, Y/N,"

"Please, Y/N," Scotty says. "I can't lose you,"

You remain completely still, but try your best to move your body. You wiggle your toes, look everywhere around underneath your eyelids, try to outstretch your fingers, anything to show that you're alive-- you're awake. You hear sigh come from the boys in your room, followed by footsteps leading away from you.

"Wait!" You shout. "Come back!" but they can't hear you. You hear a door open.

"Wait..." You mutter, my mouth dry and sore.

"What was that?" Scotty says.

"Come back..." You mumble, trying to outstretch your arm, but you can only flex your fingers.

"Oh, my God, she's awake!" David says. "She's awake!" He repeats, louder. Someone rushes over to you and grabs your hand.

"Y/N, are you awake?" you recognise Scotty's voice. You squeeze his hand, causing him to gasp and grip it tighter. You slowly open my eyes, but soon shut them back tight when light floods into them. You raise your arm that's free and use it to block the light. You fully open your eyes, blinking a few times and looking around at your surroundings. You see David and Scotty, and everyone else standing around you in a hospital bed, all smiling.

Jealousy | Scotty Sire X Reader (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora