Chapter Seven

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The sun begins to set, casting red and purple hues across the clouds in the sky, signaling to you it is time to go home. You lean against the railing in David's backyard, watching over the city. It's peaceful, despite the utter chaos that is, no doubt, going down in David's house behind you. You check the time on your phone before sliding it into your pocket and heading back into the house.

Inside, everyone seems to have calmed down and is now relaxing on David's couch.

"Hey, y'all, I'm leaving" You say, heading to the front door, reaching for your keys. You start to panic, seeing they're not there.

"Bye!!" Zane calls to you from the couch, followed by a few others.

"Wait, where're my keys?" You say, looking around the room.

"I drove you here, dumbass," David says with a laugh.

"Oh, yeah." You laugh and breathe a sigh of relief. "Will you take me back home then?"

"Yeah, of course," He replies, grabbing his keys and heading into the garage while you follow slightly behind.

David unlocks the doors to the Tesla and you get in on the passenger side. He opens the garage door and heads out, off his property and towards your house.

"You wanna grab something to eat?" David asks. As if on cue, your stomach growls, causing you both to laugh.

"Yes, please," You reply.


David takes a turn into a restaurant parking lot. He parks the car and gets out. Just as you are about to open your own door, David opens it for you.

"Oh, thanks," You say, stepping out of the vehicle awkwardly. David closes the door and you look to see which restaurant David has chosen to see that it is one of the fanciest restaurants in L.A. Around you are some of the best dressed people you've seen since the Met Gala was here. The parking lot is filled with Teslas, Mercedes, Ferraris, and pretty much any nice car you can think of.

"What are we doing here?" you ask.

"What do you mean?" David responds, "We're getting something to eat." He starts heading towards the doors.

"I thought you meant we'd go somewhere like Chipotle or McDonald's, not the nicest restaurant in L.A.!"

He just shrugs, "What's the difference?"

"Um, the price tag? I'm not paying hundreds of dollars for some food I'm probably not even gonna like,"

"Then, I'll pay,"

"Um, no? I'm not letting you pay for everything,"

"Okay, Y/N, look," He pauses, a slight smirk on his face, "It's not a big deal... SeatGeek will cover it," he says, causing you both to laugh.

"Okay, whatever," you dismiss the whole conversation. It's probably best this way, you literally have like $37 right now, so maybe this isn't so bad.

You head into the restaurant and immediately, you feel so uncomfortable. Everyone here is dressed to the nines, and you're in jeans and a crop top that has a drawing of boobs on it. You fold your arms across your chest and avoid eye contact.

"Hi, uh, Dobrik?" David says to the lady at the reception(?) desk thing. She nods and types in her computer behind saying, "Right this way," and leading you to a table. He had a reservation? Huh.

You take your seats at the table and you grab the glass of water on the table, taking a few sips, then setting it back down. A waiter comes by and immediately fills the glass back up to the top.

"So, what are you gonna get?" David asks.

"Uh..." you go to open the menu, but another waiter appears by the table.

"Good evening, my name is Michael, I will be your server for today. First off, do we have any dietary restrictions?" He looks at you both with a smile that says, "I want to die". David and you look at each other before each muttering "no".

"Alright, well, can I start you two off with some wine?" Michael asks. you look to David, who nods.

"Uh, sure, may I see your wine list?" You say.

"Of course," Michael responds, pulling a binder and placing it in front of you. You flip through a few pages, your eyes widening at the prices of the wines--the cheapest was $200! You look to David before turning back to the waiter.

"Actually, I don't-- I don't think we will be--" you begin.

"Y/N, if you want something, then just get it," David says. You turn to David before whisper-yelling to him.

"It's $200!" You say.

"And? I told you I'm paying for it,"

"No!" David rolls his eyes before turning to the server who is still waiting for you to make up your mind.

"We'll be having the Barbaresco," David says, handing the binder back to the server.

"Alright, I'll be right back out with that," Michael disappears to the kitchen.

"You didn't have to do that, I could easily have gone without the wine," You say.

"Sh..." He shushes you. "I said don't worry about it, Y/N," David responds.

"Okay..." Your stomach churns slightly. You hate when people spend lots of money on you, it makes you feel so guilty. Like, you're grateful, but y'all really don't have to do that.

Eh. That's kinda how you feel about the dinner. It certainly wasn't the best you've ever had, but it was good. It definitely didn't help that you felt sooo out of place the whole time. You could literally feel these stuck-up, richass people's glares burrowing into the back of your skull.

You just feel so guilty for letting David spend hundreds of dollars on you, only for you to eat, like, half the food. He knows you're a pickyass eater, why would he take you to some fancyass restaurant? Anyway, he's now driving you back to your place and you're so tired. You don't know why; you didn't do anything, maybe it's from all the overthinking you've been doing.

"Alright, here we are," David says, pulling up to your apartment building. "Want me to walk you up?"

"Sure," you smile, get out of the car before David can open the door for you again like he did at the restaurant, which was... weird... when he did.

You step into the elevator, chatting casually as you do. The elevator takes you up to your floor and you step out, reaching your apartment fairly quickly.

"Well, thanks for walking me," You say, unlocking the door with your spare key, then turning back to David who leans against the doorframe with his arm, looking down at you.

"Yeah, no problem," David says. "I had fun tonight,"

"Yeah... yeah, me too," You respond, looking up towards him, making eye contact. David stares back at me, a smirk on his lips. You watch as he seemingly glances down at your lips before leaning in towards you. He closes his eyes and tilts his head to the side as you lean away from him. "Uh..." your feet shuffle and get caught on each other, causing you to trip over them and fall away from David.

"Oh, uh," David stutters.

"Goodnight!" You say. David nods awkwardly and heads out of the apartment building, uttering a goodnight as he does. You go in and close the door behind you, leaning against it.

What the fuck?! Did David just try to kiss you? No... no, there's no way. That's so gross. Clearly, it was... an accident, he was drunk... or confused. That's so weird. There's no way that just happened, right? You imagined it, yeah, that's what happened. You imagined it, just like the idea that Scotty could ever like you.  

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