Chapter Eight

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"I'm so bored of this," Zane says, stumbling over to you on David's beanbag. you put away your phone and look at him.

"What, David's party, or...?" You respond.

"I'm bored of waiting for you to tell Scotty how you feel." you immediately roll your eyes and sigh. "You two would be so cute together!"

"Zane, look, we just can't... we can't be together,"

"Why not?! When's the last time you even talked to him?"

"I don't-- I don't know. I've been kinda avoiding him,"

"Why? I thought you liked him,"

"I do... trust me, I do, but I just... I can't just go confess my love for him. Actions have consequences, you know," You say. Zane groans loudly.

"Are you seriously worried that he doesn't like you?!"

"No... I mean, yes, but no, it's not entirely that,"

"Well, then, what is it?" Zane is clearly getting impatient with you.

"I... I was signed to a record label," You say. Zane gasps.

"Congratulations!" He hugs you tight, then pulls away, stilling holding you shoulders, "wait, what does this have to do with Scotty?"

"One of the rules of the signing is that I have to stay single... for publicity reasons,"

"Fuck publicity reasons! Just keep it a secret from them,"

"I don't know... I don't think I can--" you are cut off when the door swings open, revealing David behind it. He is facing away from you, recording someone. You lean on your side to see that it is Scotty he is recording. Instantly, the rooms lights up. He smiles and laughs at something David said. Damn, that's... really somethin'. Wish you could just run over there, grab Scotty and--

"Y/N?" Zane says, waving in front of your face, causing you to snap back to reality. "Are you even listening?" He looks over to see Scotty and just mouths an "Oh" before turning back to me, "I see how it is,"

"I'm sorry, what were you saying?" You say.

"I was literally telling you to go talk to him,"

"Oh..." you pause for a moment, then glance towards Scotty's direction. His smile radiates a beam of light throughout the room and you can already feel your face flush.

You can keep a secret, right? And so can Scotty, and so can Zane... right? And you could probably talk to Mr. Bowler and convince him to let you guys date... if Scotty even likes you, though.

"I can do it, right?" you mutter to Zane as you stand from your seat.

"Yes, bitch!" He cries.

"But..." you feel a sense of confidence? No... that's not the word. You don't know, but something in your body feels... determined! That's the word, you feel determined. Even if he doesn't like you, you'll at least know, right?

"Go!" Zane pushes you towards Scotty, causing you to crash into David. Your two feet get tangled together and you fall backwards onto Scotty, who catches you in his arms.

"What the fuck?" David says. You ignore him; I'm too focused on Scotty's bright blue-green eyes gazing back down to you. The edges of his mouth tug upwards slightly and God... you could get used to this.

"Hey," Scotty mutters.

"Hey," You respond, releasing yourself from his gentle grip on your waist.. "Uh, I... I need to talk to you,"

Jealousy | Scotty Sire X Reader (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now