Chapter Five

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Y/N's P.O.V.

The sun once again shines down on your face, warming your skin and causing you to wake. Your eyes flutter open for a moment, only to immediately shut tightly when the light burns your eyes and your head starts to pound. You groan and clasp your hands around your head as you lean up, throwing your comforter off your legs. As you look around your room, you realize that you don't remember how you got home. You shrug it off, assuming Erin or Carly probably took you home, but still, you wondered. Although, a new thought soon took over your concerns: you're hungover as hell.

You weakly roll out of bed and make your way to the kitchen/dining area. You grab a glass of water and take some ibuprofen. You nearly chug the rest of the water. Your head still feels groggy, though so head back to the bathroom to take a shower. However, I end up immediately collapsing on my bed and falling back asleep.

"Leave me alooooone!!" You nearly scream when you hear my phone ringing for the third time. You groan again and grab your phone, answering the call. "What?!" you snap.

"Oh my, God, jeez! Sorry, I'll call again later," you hear Zane's voice say through the speaker.

"No, no, I'm sorry," you mutter, now laying on your back. "Why are you calling me?" you ask, a little nicer this time.

"I'm bored as hell, I wanna come over," Zane responds.

"Okay... that's fine, I'm just hella hungover right now," You respond.

"Yeah, me too, bitch," Zane responds with a laugh. You let out a quiet giggle before telling Zane to bring you starbucks. He agrees and you hang up. You eventually pull yourself out of bed once again, but this time you actually take a shower. You throw on the first two decent pieces of clothing you see, put on some minimal makeup, and throw your hair up in a ponytail.

You hear a knock on your door, followed by Zane shouting through the door, "Y/N! I have your Starbies!" you smile and slightly roll your eyes before leaving your bathroom.

You make your way to the door and open it, revealing Zane holding two Starbucks drinks for you both.

"Hi bitch," He says with a smile and enters your apartment.

"Hey, bitch," You respond with a laugh and follow Zane to my couch. He gives you your drink and you nearly down yours in only a few sips.

"Damn, okay, sis, calm down," Zane says, causing you to laugh.

"I'm a thirsty beech," You respond, finishing your drink and slamming the empty cup onto the coffee table.

"Damn, okay," Zane laughs. "Anyway, how are you doing?" Zane asks.

"I'm hungover af, but besides that, I'm alright," You respond, leaning back on the couch, "you?"

"I'm hungover, too, I deadass woke up, like, an hour ago, not even," He says.

"Bitch, me too, your call literally woke me up," You say, you and Zane laughing at the end. "The real question here is where did you wake up? 'Cause I may not remember much, but I do remember you trying to down half a bottle o' Jack-- and failing miserably," you both laugh obnoxiously loud.

"Yeah... I woke up on David's beanbag, which isn't that weird, but still..." Zane responds. "And you made it home, clearly,"

"Yeah, I don't know how, though, I assume it was one of the girls, but," you shrug.

"You seriously don't know?" Zane says, shocked.

"Uh... no? I blacked out,"

"Oh, my God!" Zane jolts up, sitting on the edge of the couch. "You seriously don't know?"

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