Chapter 20: I Don't Like Her

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Last night was. Wow.

After the little food fight Xavier had with his mom, they both came out into the living covered from head to toe in food.

Chris and I looked at each before we both fell on the floor laughing.

Like literally, we dropped to the floor because we were laughing so hard. It was priceless.

But today it was just me, Kyrn, and Chloe.

We had to pick up a cake for Chris' birthday tomorrow. I didn't really know why we were getting it a day early, but Tammy wanted it so we are getting it.

"What was the bakery called again?" Chloe asking while turning onto Main Street.

Kyrn unlocked her phone and looked at the text Tammy sent her. "It's called Sal's Bakery."

"Oh, there it is," Kyrn said as we pulled into a parking spot.

We all got out of the car and headed in.

"Name please?" some lady asked.

"Tammy Slade," Chloe replied.

"Oh yes." She walked into the back and stayed there for a few minutes before she came back out. "It's still cooling. It will be ready in about ten minutes."

"That should be fine. I saw a phone store across the street. I need a new cover for my phone," Kyrn said.

"Okay. Let's go," Chloe stated.

When we walked over, Kyrn headed straight for the galaxy phone section. But while she was over there, I looked for a cover for my Motorola Razor.

"They tell me I'm too young to understand

They say I'm caught up in a dream

Well life will pass me by if I don't open up my eyes

Well that's fine by me"

I looked at my phone and saw my mom calling me.

I let out a laugh as I answered it. "Yes, mom?"

"Hey, honey. How are you?" My mom asked happily.

"The same as when you asked me this morning," I said. She called me twice when I woke up.

"I know. I just miss you," she confessed.

"I miss you too, Mom," I said picking up a red phone cover with black flowers on the right backside.

"Okay so. Um," she started but trailed off.

"Mom? Are you okay? Are you pregnant again?"

"What? No, Sam. We-"

"Oh my gosh! Am I getting a baby sister?" I squeaked excitedly.


"Oh! A baby brother?"

"No. Sam, I'm not pregnant. Your father and I have to stay another week along with Kyrn's parents."

"Oh. How come?" I asked, confused.

Is everything okay?

"Your father got the stomach flu. So we canceled our flight," my mom explained sadly.

"Oh. Is he okay?" I asked concerned.

"Yes dear. He's fine. He is just throwing up a lot."


"I have to go honey. Talk to you later. You father and I miss you and love you."

"Love you too, Mom. Pass it on to dad as well," I said with a sad smile.

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