Ch. 27

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"Hold up..."

Hermione dramatically slammed her hand down onto the table before grinning up at Blaise, who tried to stifle a laugh. She tried not to laugh as well, instead letting out a snort before asking, "In first had a crush on Madam Hooch?!"

"If you tell Ginny, I swear to Merlin..." Blaise threatened, pulling one finger off the nearly-empty glass he was holding to point at her.

She let out another loud laugh and leaned back in the chair, holding her head. "Oh, this is just fantastic!"

The two of them fell into a fit of drunken giggles and Hermione waved him off, holding her stomach as she took deep breaths. "Okay, okay...your turn to ask me a question!"

Blaise pulled a contemplative face, tapping his chin with his finger as he looked up at the ceiling. Then he snickered and pointed another finger at her. "Did you ever do anything bad at Hogwarts?"

"Bad as in...?" She gave him a confused look before it hit her. "Merlin, no!"

She scowled at him while he continued to snicker, but her scowl soon morphed into a few giggles. "The worst I've done was..."

Trailing off, she looked down at the table before shaking her head. "I snogged Viktor a few times."

"Viktor..." Blaise rolled the name around his tongue a few times as he tried to place a face to the name. Then his eyes went wide and he leaned forward in disbelief. "Viktor Krum?!"

She grinned at this and giggled loudly. "Merlin, he was bad at it."

Blaise's jaw dropped. "You seriously snogged Viktor Krum?!"

"Only once or twice," She said sheepishly. "It was mainly just to get a rise out of Ron."

"Look at you being all naughty," He grinned. "Now, I do have a question..."

"You already got your question, it's my turn!" She exclaimed.

"No, no; this doesn't count as one of my questions, more of a curiosity sort of thing," He explained before shifting in his seat. "That year, the Prophet came out that you and Potter were a thing?"

She rolled her eyes. "Merlin, no. That bloody reporter decided that she wanted to take every chance she could to come up with false stories just so people would buy more copies of the paper. And because it was the Tri-Wizard Tournament, she focused a lot on Harry since he was the youngest."

"Can't imagine that went over well at all," Blaise muttered.

"Not really..." She shifted slightly before looking down at the table sadly. "Ron's mother believed all of the writing though, and absolutely hated me that year. It wasn't until Harry had said something to her that she snapped out of it, but I don't think she ever really stopped judging me for all of that nonsense."

"And yet you still married into that family?" He asked.

Hermione shrugged and swirled around the remaining wine in her glass. "I didn't really have many choices otherwise. No one really wanted the smart girl."

Blaise took a small sip of his wine as he watched her quietly. Then he tilted his head and asked, "Out of curiosity, why did you cut your hair?"

She smiled and laughed slightly, shaking her head as she looked away. "It was kind of a rash decision I made right after discovering Ron's affair. He always said he preferred me with long hair; I'd been debating whether or not to cut it for years since it's just so unmanageable half the time."

" was kind of a rebellious thing?" After she nodded, Blaise chuckled. "Well, I know Draco happens to like it."

"He made that pretty clear when he saw it for the first time," Hermione laughed.

Aconite - Dramione/BlinnyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora