Ch. 22

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"I'm starting to regret agreeing to this."

Draco looked down to see Hermione chewing on the inside of her cheek, a habit that he noticed she only did when she was deep in thought or extremely nervous. He did feel a little guilty at the fact that he somewhat sprung this on her; after all, she didn't exactly have a wonderful experience the last time she was at his parents' manor.

He wrapped an arm around her waist and she leaned against him with a sigh as she stared up at the large manor through the gates. She was very grateful that he had only apparated them to just outside the gates, giving her some time to build up her courage and push down the memories of her last visit.

"We can go if you are uncomfortable," He said quietly.

She hesitated for a few moments before shaking her head and straightening up, looking up at him as she moved a stray curl from her face. "No, it's in the past. There's no point in hiding from it."

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Of course," She said, managing a small smile. "Come on; I'm sure you're starving."

He laughed as he led her through the gates and up the pebbled walkway, the stones crunching beneath them. He always liked the sound of it, especially with his amplified hearing. They walked in silence up to the front door, and after stopping on the porch so Draco could grab his wand, Hermione looked down at her outfit.

"Do I look okay?" She asked, looking back up at him.

He gave her another once-over even though he already knew that he loved the charcoal-colored dress she was wearing that flared at her hips and stopped just above her knees, with sleeves stopping right at her elbows. The dress was accented with a black belt around her waist and a pair of matching black heels that he was still surprised she managed to walk up the pathway in, but he loved it nonetheless.

"First," He started, "'Okay' is an insult for you. I will never accept any description of you that doesn't include the word 'stunning'."

Her cheeks flushed as she tried to hold back a smile. "You're being dramatic again."

He flashed a bright grin at her and kissed her forehead. "You like it. And yes, you look absolutely wonderful. Father's going to love you."

Her smile faltered slightly at this but he gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and pointed his wand towards the door. There was a satisfying click as it unlocked and he pushed the door open, pulling her inside behind him.

"Ah, Draco."

They both paused and Draco made sure to stand in front of Hermione, somewhat shielding her from his father's view while still holding her hand. "Good afternoon, Father."

Lucius Malfoy looked as intimidating as ever. His hair was not the disheveled mess that it was when she last saw him at the battle all those years ago, and he had gone back to his black satin waistcoat over a white shirt that was only missing his black robes. She could still see the faint tattoo on his neck marking his stint in Azkaban, but it was certainly faded.

The older wizard's eyes flicked from his son over to Hermione, and she could see his chin raise just slightly as his eyes narrowed. "Miss Granger."

The fact that he used her name at all surprised her but she refused to let it show as she moved to stand next to Draco and straightened as much as she could. "Mister Malfoy."

Lucius's eyes moved down to look at their clasped hands and his nose crinkled slightly. Draco squeezed her hand slightly and she returned the gesture, refusing to shy away from the glare of Draco's father.

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