Ch. 9

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Draco woke up slowly in his basement, cringing as his muscles rebelled against him when he tried to move. He decided that a few more moments of lying on the ground wouldn't be a problem, but soon the coldness of the stone made him start to shiver and he decided enough was enough. 

He slowly pushed himself up off the floor, grimacing at the remains of the clothes he was wearing the night before as he stepped over them, not wanting to mess with them at that moment. After unbolting the door and summoning a robe for him to quickly put on, he slowly made his way up the stairs to the main floor of his manor, leaning against the wall for support.

There was already a letter waiting on his table next to a very bored-looking owl that he assumed was from the Ministry, and he immediately plopped down onto the couch and after giving the owl a few treats he grabbed the letter and quickly opened it.


I hope you are feeling alright, though considering your condition I doubt you're feeling that well right now. This is just a follow-up to make sure everything went as smoothly as it could and to advise you to seek medical attention if it is needed. I do have the information of a Healer who has helped previous clients of mine so you don't need to worry about any sort of bias from them.

Also as it is Saturday, I am not in the office today so your response will need to be coded so that on the off-chance someone finds it, they won't know.

I appreciate the apology, and I do understand your hesitation in trusting me regarding all of this; you are not the first of my clients to do so, and considering our past, I wouldn't have expected anything else. And yes, I am eating.


Hermione Granger

He smiled slightly at the last part before shaking his head. He wasn't even sure why he had become concerned regarding her health lately, but he was content that she was eating. He just hoped that he wouldn't see her looking that pale ever again. It reminded him too much of the way she looked at Malfoy Manor all those years ago...

Forcing that thought out of his head, he summoned a blank piece of parchment and quill, nodding towards the owl.

"Give me just a few moments before running off, yeah?" He asked, knowing full well the owl wasn't going to respond.

"'Mione, love," Ron started with a groan. "I know you've technically got to work for a bit today, but can the owls not fly directly into the kitchen?"

Hermione rolled her eyes as she grabbed the letter from the newest owl and said, "Ron, I can't really tell them where in the house to go. They're owls."

Ron grumbled under his breath before leaving the kitchen, and she made sure he was out of view before opening the familiar black envelope.


My employee is doing about as well as he can; he's currently very sore and most likely going to be asleep for the rest of the day. If you happen to recommend anything for pain and soreness, that would be a big help.

Also, I'm glad to hear you are eating. Would be a shame if I have to get onto your husband again for not taking proper care of you.


She tried not to smile as she quickly grabbed a nearby pen and turned the paper over to write a quick note back to him, shoving the parchment back into the envelope and sending the owl on its way.

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