Ch. 10

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Hermione wasn't able to go down to the second level where the Aurors' office was until around lunch to check and see if Ron was there. He still hadn't come home Sunday when she had returned to the house and when he wasn't there that morning either, she had really started to worry about him.

After writing a quick response to Draco's last note about lunch probably not being a good idea, she sent it off with a slight frown and decided it was time to go check on Ron.

She noticed that Claire also wasn't at her desk as she passed by, but she assumed her assistant was at lunch and continued to the lift. A few minutes later she stepped out onto the second level and walked around, searching for Ron's office. She had only been to his a few times as he usually came to hers and he said he had moved around a bit so she wasn't quite sure where his office actually was.

After a few moments of aimless searching, she finally saw Harry in his office, sitting at his desk.

"Hey Harry?" She asked, leaning into his office.

"Hey," Harry said, somewhat surprised to see her down there. He then lowered his voice and asked, "How are you doing? I heard you and Ron had a bit of a fight."

"Yeah," Hermione sighed, shifting and leaning slightly against the door. "It was definitely a rough weekend."

"I can understand that, I'm having some problems with Ginny as well..." Harry shook his head then and asked, "What brings you down here?"

"Well, I was hoping to see if Ron wanted to get lunch so we could talk about what happened," Hermione explained. "He didn't come home at all this weekend."

Harry's brow furrowed as he stood up. "He didn't? Here, I'll take you to his office."

Harry followed her out of his office and led her towards Ron's office, pausing when he saw the lights were off and the door was closed. "That's strange; he was in here a few minutes ago..."

Hermione frowned and was about to turn away, but then noticed there was movement in the dark office. "Wait, I think someone's in there..."

Harry narrowed his eyes and drew his wand. "Stand back."

Hermione drew her own wand from her boot and aimed it at the door as well while Harry quietly did an unlocking charm before throwing open the door, his wand at the ready. Neither one of them were prepared though for what they saw, and Hermione's heart broke when she saw just who was in the office with Ron.


Her assistant quickly shuffled to hide her half-naked body with her clothes as she exclaimed, "Hermione! I am so so sorry!"

"You're shagging my assistant?!" Hermione exclaimed, looking over at Ron.

"Are you bloody serious?!" Harry yelled, aiming a jinx at Ron who quickly dodged it with a yell.

"Wait, just- just let me explain!" Ron yelled in return as he quickly pulled up his jeans. "Hermione, wait!"

Hermione didn't listen though as she turned away and ran towards the lift, holding a hand over her mouth to stop the sob from escaping. She had to lean against the wall to stop from falling to the floor of the lift, taking deep breaths and waiting for the lift to return to her floor.

As soon as the doors opened she rushed out and ran into her office, slamming the door shut and summoning her bag. She rarely apparated out of her office as the Ministry usually didn't allow it, but she decided to take the hit this time and locked her office with every charm she could think of before disapparating.

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