Ch. 17

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As hard as she tried, Hermione couldn't focus for the rest of the day. Her thoughts kept wandering to Draco and their dinner date that night, and not even a fresh bouquet of flowers from Ron on her desk when she returned to her office could bring down her happy mood.

Of course, the flowers went straight into the bin but she had a smile on her face the rest of the day.

She immediately started to get ready as soon as she stepped out of the fireplace, racing to her bathroom for a shower. Her excitement was slowly starting to be overrun by her nerves as she thought through her wardrobe and tried to decide what to wear, only starting to panic slightly when she couldn't think of anything. She wasn't sure how dressed up Draco intended to get, either.

Letting her hair air-dry, she rushed into her closet and picked through all of her clothes, chewing on her lip the entire time. After what felt like an eternity, she finally found a dress that was shoved into the back of her closet that she hadn't seen in years.

As she looked over the dress, she remembered how Ron pressured her into throwing it out because he felt it was too risqué, considering it caught a lot of attention for how well it fit her and how it showed off her legs

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As she looked over the dress, she remembered how Ron pressured her into throwing it out because he felt it was too risqué, considering it caught a lot of attention for how well it fit her and how it showed off her legs. He would always insist that he loved the dress on her, but the fact that other men loved it too would always put him in a jealous mood and would ruin their evening.

The spiteful thought of wearing it for Draco though instantly made her smirk and she walked back out of her closet, laying the dress on the bed as she continued to get ready.

Seven o'clock came around and she heard her doorbell ring right on the dot, making her smile as she eagerly made her way to the front door. Draco was waiting patiently on the other side, wearing a charcoal grey suit with a black tie. He was silent for a few moments as he took in her appearance.

"I should take you out to dinner more often if it means you'll wear more things like that," He said as a grin started to form. "You are absolutely stunning."

Her cheeks flushed and she looked down at her feet with a smile on her face. "Thank you, Draco."

"My pleasure." He put one hand in his pocket while adjusting his tie with the other. "Are you ready?"

"Yes!" She stepped onto her porch and locked the door behind her before turning back to him.

He was sizing her up, looking between her head and her heels. "You're nearly as tall as I am in those."

"Is that a problem?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Not at all!" He grinned at her. "Besides, you're still a few inches shorter. What are you, five-foot-five, five-foot-six?"

"Five-five," She laughed as she kicked out one of her legs to show her black pumps. "These are only four inches."

"Either way, you are stunning," He said as he held out his arm to her. "Shall we?"

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