Ch. 19

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Draco paused at the gates of Malfoy Manor, staring up at the large house in front of him. Now that he had moved into a smaller manor of his own, he was always taken aback by how large Malfoy Manor really was. And with only his parents living in it, it seemed a bit much now.

With a heavy sigh he pushed through the gates and made his way up the pebbled walkway, grumbling about how far the walk was. His parents kept the anti-apparation charms up after the war had ended to prevent any unwanted visitors, but unfortunately it also included family members. But his grumbling kept him occupied and soon he was holding his wand up to the lock on the door and after hearing it click open, he let himself in.

The inside of the manor still was as dreary as ever. He had grown used to having windows everywhere flooding light into his home, and here he could feel the mood grow colder as he made his way through the house. He wondered if Mother was home...

He stopped just outside of his father's study, noticing that the door was ajar. After lightly rapping his knuckles on the door, it swung open to reveal his father. If he was happy at all to see his son, Lucius Malfoy didn't let it show in his expression. With his hair pulled back neatly and his chin lifted slightly so he could look down at his son, Draco grimaced as he felt like he was in trouble for something again at school.

"Draco." Lucius's expression didn't change with the curt greeting.


Lucius stepped aside and nodded for Draco to enter the study, closing the door behind them as they both made their way to the large mahogany desk in the center of the room. There were papers placed in meticulous piles, which was always his father's way; everything had to be organized.

"I suppose you're wondering why I asked you here on such short notice," Lucius started slowly after they both had sat down.

"Yes, considering it's a Monday in the middle of the workday," Draco answered, raising an eyebrow at his father.

Lucius said nothing in return, simply grabbing a stack of papers and tossing it across the desk towards Draco. When he saw the familiar picture of himself and Hermione smiling at each other on the front page of the Prophet, Draco couldn't help but smile before looking up at his father, who was not returning the smile.

"Might I ask what this is about?" Lucius stared at his son, leaning sideways in his chair and bringing a leg up to rest over his knee.

"I had dinner with Hermione Granger," Draco answered simply.

Lucius rubbed his face as he groaned slightly. "Why her?"

"Is there a problem with her?" Draco asked, glaring across the desk as his father.

"Son, she's not..."

"Not what?"

Lucius sighed and looked away for a moment before saying, "I don't think she's the right fit for you."

"Because she's not a pureblood," Draco said, knowing full well that was the reason.

"She's also married," Lucius said, gesturing towards the paper. "What are you doing dating a married woman? I raised you better than that."

"She filed divorce paperwork last week and he treats her horribly," Draco said quietly.

This caught his father off guard but Lucius quickly regained his haughty composure. "She's still not a pureblood."

"In case you've forgotten, neither am I anymore."

An uneasy silence fell over them as Draco glared at his father, who shifted in his chair and furrowed his brow. "You are still a Malfoy, however, and as far as the public is concerned you are still a pureblood."

Aconite - Dramione/BlinnyOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara