Ch. 2

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After a whole day of responding to letters from worried clients and reassuring everyone that she had a handle on finding a new brewer, Hermione sat back in her chair and closed her eyes, taking a few deep breaths. It was the first time the entire day after the meeting with Draco that she was able to actually take a breather and gather her thoughts.

"Knock knock!"

She groaned and looked up to see Ron giving her a warm smile from the doorway. "Heard you had a rough day."

"Rough doesn't even begin to cover it," She answered, unable to muster up a smile in return. "Did Harry talk to you about dinner tonight?"

"Yes, I told them we'd head over after I grabbed you," He said with a nod.

"Let me just make sure that I have everything finished that I needed to get done today." She sighed and rifled through the papers that were on her desk, sorting them out and putting them back into the appropriate files.

Ron came in and sat down, giving her a small smile while he waited. She forced a small smile, casting a quick glance down at her wedding rings. They had been married for nearly a year then, with their anniversary coming up the next month. Ron decided to wait to propose until after his Auror training had ended in 2001, and they spent a year planning their wedding before getting married the spring before.

"Are you nearly finished?" He asked, nodding towards her desk.

She scowled at him. "If you want to go over there now, you can. I can't really rush through any of this."

"I didn't mean anything by that," Ron said, putting his hands up defensively. "Don't snap at me."

"I didn't snap at you," She countered. "Look, I'm sorry but today has been very stressful for me and I don't think tomorrow is going to be much better."

"I understand, but that doesn't mean you need to take it out on me," He said with a frown.

She sighed. "I wasn't taking it out on you. I felt like you were rushing me, and this type of thing can't be rushed."

"I know, I know..." He trailed off with a sigh, looking over at her bookcase.

Shaking her head, she began clearing off her desk and noticed that his foot was tapping anxiously. "Everything alright?"

He shrugged. "Just wanting to make sure I don't upset you."

"Ron, don't," She sighed. "The potion brewer for my clients was just murdered and not only do I have to make sure they all are alright and not bothering me as much, I have to also find another competent potion brewer who isn't going to charge us an arm and a leg for their services. And that's on top of everything else that I have to do."

He simply sighed and she rolled her eyes slightly. He had been in a mood lately; it seemed ever since she became Head of the Beings division, he always got upset when she was doing something for work that took her over her typical hours.

"I'll be finished here in a few moments," She said quietly.

He nodded and watched her as she put away her files and gathered her things. A few minutes later, they exited her office and she locked it behind her before turning and nodding to Claire on her way out.

"Have a good night!" She said, giving her assistant a smile.

"Goodnight, Hermione!"

She and Ron stepped onto the elevator and soon were making their way towards the fireplaces on the main floor.

"Have you submitted the paperwork to get your last name changed yet?" He asked then after a few minutes of silence.

"Not yet, I've got the paperwork all put together but it's just at home right now," Hermione answered.

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