Ch. 3

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Hermione's desk was littered with letters the next morning and she groaned as soon as she got into her office. "Claire, I'm probably going to be extremely busy again today; please make sure no one bothers me!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

After shutting the door behind her and setting her bag down on the couch in her office, she paced back and forth for a few minutes before sighing. "Alright. Let's just get this over with."

The next hour was spent going through all of the worried letters she had received and organizing them, before staring down at the last letter that was on her desk. It was in a black envelope closed with a silver wax seal, and she grimaced as soon as she saw the crest on the seal.

"If this is a bloody list..." She muttered as she ripped open the envelope, quickly skimming the words that were written in beautiful black scrollwork.

Dearest Granger,

You will find my list of recommended potion brewers in this envelope. I hope you make a decision quickly, since you and I both know the potion takes a few days to brew and I'm sure your other clients are wanting an update as well.

Best wishes,

Draco Malfoy

She glared down at the letter before tossing it off to the side, pulling the other papers out of the envelope and unfolding them. She recognized quite a few different names on his list from her own, but there were some that were new. After looking over the list for a few moments, she carefully set it aside and decided to spend the rest of the day researching the brewers on Draco's list.

Of course, that would have to wait until she finished responding to all of her clients' letters.

A knock around lunchtime brought her out of her headspace and she looked up to see Ron standing in the doorway. "I was wondering if you wanted to go get lunch?"

Her stomach growled as she remembered that she hadn't eaten breakfast. "Yeah! Just give me a moment to clean up here and we can go."

He nodded and slowly walked in, watching her as she put all of her papers together. His eyes wandered all over her desk even though he knew he wasn't allowed to know who her clients were, and he stopped when he saw the black envelope on the floor.

"What's this?" He asked, kneeling down to pick it up and inspect it.

She froze when she saw what he was holding and she quickly said, "Oh, that's just an envelope from someone I am working with right now. Here."

He turned it over to see the wax seal when there was no return address, and ignored Hermione's extended hand. "Wait, I've seen this from somewhere..."

Hermione quickly grabbed the envelope from him and glared. "Ron, you know you're not supposed to look into who my clients are."

He raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything as she shoved the envelope with the rest of her papers into her drawers and locked the desk. She made sure to silently add a few more charms onto the desk just in case and grabbed her bag.

"Where were you thinking of for lunch?" She asked then, moving out from behind her desk.

Ron shrugged as his hands went into his pockets and his mouth formed a thin line. "I was just thinking of taking you somewhere nice, honestly. Kind of an apology for yesterday's behavior."

"That sounds good," She said with a smile.

He smiled in return and kissed her cheek before leading her out of the office and waiting for her to lock the door.

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