Ch. 39

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When Hermione heard the knocking on her office door she blinked in surprise when she saw who was standing in her doorway.

"Oh, hi Blaise!" She greeted cheerfully.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked, nodding towards her arm.

She looked down at her forearm with a small sigh. It hadn't been quite a month yet since Draco had bitten her, and while her arm was nearly fully healed, she stilled tried to keep it covered due to scarring. The scars made it very obvious that she was bitten by something, and she didn't want to use a concealment charm on it until it was entirely healed over.

"I'm doing much better," She answered, looking back up at him. "Draco still feels terrible about it."

"I bet he does; that's a hard thing to get past, hurting the one you love," Blaise said as he stepped further into her office, shutting the door behind him. "And you still have no traces of lycanthropy in your blood, right?"

"None that the Healers have found," She said with a smile. "But I suppose we'll have confirmation this weekend."

"That's right, the full moon is on Saturday," Blaise said lightly as he sat down in front of her desk. "Shall Ginny and I join you two that night?"

"That's entirely up to you guys, but I'll have to see how Draco is feeling," She said, shifting in her chair slightly. "He's been pulling away slightly this week."

"He's been taking his Wolfsbane potions though so he should be docile again," He said. "But I do understand if he doesn't want to risk it."

"It should be alright," She smiled. Then she tilted her head slightly and asked, "Did you need something? You don't usually come visit me at work."

Blaise shifted nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. "Actually yes, I was hoping to get your help with something."

She raised an eyebrow and laughed slightly. "What would you need my help with?"

"Well not really help so much as your input," He shrugged. "I've got it picked out pretty much and I just want to make sure that I didn't make a wrong decision."

She gave him a confused look but nodded. "Well yeah, of course. What would you like my input on?"

He shifted again, reaching into his coat pocket and pulling out a small box, placing it on the desk in front of her. She stared down at the box and then back up at him.

" that...?"

After he nodded, she reached for the box and opened it, staring down at the beautiful ring inside.

"Do you think she'll like it?" He asked quietly.

"One hundred percent," Hermione said, still staring at the ring. "This is so beautiful!"

He smiled widely. "Okay good; I was trying to decide between that one and another one and I started doubting if I had picked the right one."

She shut the box and slid it back over to him with a smile. "I can tell you that she's going to love whichever ring you pick out, but that one is absolutely stunning! When are you planning on asking her?"

"I haven't quite figured that out yet," He admitted. "I don't know if I want to take her on a trip or do it here, or wait until Christmas...I have no idea."

Hermione hummed slightly as she thought about it. "I think a trip would be nice; take her somewhere romantic. She's not really one for large public gestures."

"Oh yeah, I wasn't going to do a public proposal or anything," He said quickly, shaking his head. Then he sighed heavily and leaned back into the seat. "I'm also worried about how her family is going to react; that's honestly what worries me the most about this, and it's why I haven't proposed to her yet."

Aconite - Dramione/BlinnyΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα