Chapter 21

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Beyonce p.o.v

After my doctor came in and gave me my results I already knew the answer to. I just want to go home and disappear. After he left I curled up on the bed and started crying.

I felt so stupid to have something like this happen to me. I mean how could I be so careless as to who and what was happening around me. Ugh I just want to bang my head against the wall.

I looked up as the door opened and ai wiped my face quickly. It was my mom. My eyes widened and she closed the door and locked it swiftly. A sob erupted from my body and she rushed over and took me in her arms.

If felt like we were there forever before she pulled away and said "Come on I'm taking you home."

I just nodded and wiped my face free of the tears I was already sick of. I got dressed in the clothes she bought for me and we were out. Off on a plane back to Houston.


Grace p.o.v

"Nicki take all the time that you need to do what you have to do. I'm going to talk to Bey's mother about things and going to see her so please just wait it out for me okay." I asked her as I held her hand.

"Okay. I'll be waiting on you." She said and nodded at me.

I leaned forwards and kissed her forehead.

"Everything will eventually be okay." I gave her a slim smile before I left.

I walked back to Bey's room and seen Chance, Kelly, and Cherice.


"Before y'all say anything I have some things to say. Beyonce left to go to Houston with her mother. She's been through something horrible so don't bug her about what happened. Its serious okay. Kelly you need to fly to Houston now. Your her best friend I think you should show before any of us as well. I didn't tell Nicki yet I need her to clear her head before she goes. Cherice if you go see her don't bring any bullshit to Mrs. Knowles house you understand me of your ass is grass. Chance be on the flight with Kelly and get the other guys to come with you it's important." They all just nodded.

Beyonce p.o.v

As soon as we got home I took a shower and washed my body like I was trying to scrub away everything. Every touch, every scratch, every bruse, and the memory. Everything was too fresh for me.

"Maybe this is too much." I said as my world got hazy.

"Momm!" I screamed and went for the railing but I missed.

Mrs. Knowles p.o.v

"Momm!" I heard from upstairs and a thud came after.

"Oh no." I ran up the stairs to her room and into the bathroom.

I pulled back the curtain and she was lying in the tub face down in boiling water. I turned the water off and helped her up as carefully and quickly as I could. I dried her off and put her clothes on her and layed her in her bed to inspect her face. She was bleeding from her nose but it didn't look swollen. I got a cold towel and cleaned her up. I sighed and got her some water. When I cane back she was just waking up and holding her head.

"Thank goodness your awake." I said and hanged her the water as I helped her sit up.

"What happened?" She said with widened eyes as she groaned.

"I'm sure you fell in the shower. I just think today has been too much on you. Just.... Just get some rest." I said and took her water and sat it on her nightstand.

"Okay, night." She said as she got comfortable on her pillows.


I gave Beyonce a week to cool off and now I want answers about everything.  I went up to her room and sat down on the edge of her bed. She's been lying there in the same position for a week. She hasn't left her room but she does eat and shower. So I can't complain too much she's not that out of it.

"Beyonce." I said softly and patted her leg.

"Yes." She sat up and crossed her arms.

"I want you to tell me everything."

Beyonce p.o.v

On the inside I was panicking and on the ourside. I sighed and started from the beginning. From Cherice to Nicki to the 2 fights the break up and what happened last week. At the end she didn't say anything besides.

"Okay. Well I'm sure you'll have everything handled." She kissed my forehead and left me in the room.

Third person p.o.v

Mrs. Jhonston went down stairs and got a glass of water. She knew that Grace would be here soon and prepared herself mentally for that.

Grace was just pulling up when she seen an unexpected face at the Knowles' door. Her eyes widened and she hopped outbin a rush.

"What are you doing here?" She asked Cherice.

She simply smiled at grace and slid off her shades slowly.

"What do you mean I'm coming to see Bey?" She smirked and flipped her hair over her sholder.

"Did I tell y-"

"Oh hell no!" They heard kelly exclaim.

They turned there heads with there mouths dropped as Nicki stood behind her with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Well this is something isn't it." Nicki scowled and walked past them to the door as they murmered rude remarks behind her.

The door opened swiftly and there stood Mrs. Knowled with a flustered look on her face.

"What a surprise!" She exclaimed akwardly as the other three wemon behind Nicki stopped talking and faced her with a big smile.

"Come on in ladies." She stepped aside and raised her arm welcoming them in.

Heyyyyy soooo this is gonnna be a swift ending to this book so I can move on to bigger and better storied for yall but firat let me know what you think is gonna happen!






Love Rey 💛

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