Chapter 8

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Nicki's hotel bathroom
October 26, 2012
Beyonce p.o.v

"Kelly I didn't know she'd be upset." I said turning the bath water on high.

"Well how did you think she was gonna feel?" She exclaimed raising her hands.

"Not like that. She was just quiet the rest of the night."

"Think about it in her shoes. Another women whom you see nearly every day working up close and personal, wants to be with you. Also has feelings for you. Mind you Nicki isn't going to be arohnd for those last minuet photo shoots is she?" She explained and I sighed.

"I guess I see where you coming from, but I can't fire her cause of personal issues."

"Yeah, but you can give her the cold sholder."

"Yeah but she knows too much about me to not go running to the press."

"Well if you think she'd do that than you damn sure don't need to be together."

"Well I'm just spit balling. She seemed very genuine when she talked to me."

"Do you still have feelings for her?"

She looked at me through the phone with those you better not lie eyes and I sighed.

"I don't, know." I muttered the last part but she heard me.

"Bey!" She exclaimed and I rolled my eyes. "Now how would Nicki feel if she knew that!"

"Like this was a waste of time." I sighed and she nodded.

"Exactly." She put her hands on her hips and scolded me. "Bey I love ypu but your dumb. You need to figure it out before its too late and you hurt one of them."

"I was doing that until she called my yesterday. I ghosted her."

"Well ghost her ass again and move on." She hung up and I groaned.


Nicki p.o.v

I woke up to the sound of water and sighed. I sat up slowly and smiled. I finally have an off day. So sad the tour just started and I feel exausted. I got up and walked over to the bathroom. I was finna knock on the door but stopped when I heard beyonce talking.

"Think about it in her shoes..."

Wait a second. Are they talking about me? I scrunched up my face and kept listening. The more I heard the more I got upset. I mean I know Bey's not my girl but shit. I sighed and walked away from the door to the window.

I don't know what ole girl did but imma make her mine. I don't like the idea of sharing her nor the one of losing her. So what's left after that. I tapped my chin as I looked out at the city.

I mean I wouldn't mind being with her our little system here is nice. That's only if she don't have feelings for the other girl. I crossed my arms at the idea and started pacing.

I need to find out what she did. I averted my eyes from the window to the door as she turned the water off. I sighed and dropped the issue I'll address it at dinner. In the mean time I ordered breakfast and I set it up in the living room.

I went to the room and knocked on the bathroom door.

"Hey Bey breakfast is here." I called and got no responce.

I knoched again to hear nothing. I turned the door handel to see Bey dozing off in the tub. I stuck my hand in the water and sprinkled some on her face. She scrunched her face up and opened her eyes looking confused.

"Nicki what was that?" She asked as she sat up wiping her face with her wet hands.

"Water. Breakfast is here." I ingormed her and she nodded yawning.

"You okay?" I sat on the railing of the tub and peered her over.

"Yeah I'm just tired."

"Well your not allowed to be today is my only official off day and we have many plans."

"Oh we do I thought I was in charge of planning that." She said and raised a brow at me.

"Yeah well there's a few things that I can do without planning." I smiled and stood up.

"Scoot over." I demanded and ripped away at my clothes.

I got in the insanely hot water and hissed as I sat next to her. We were s squished so I sat her in my lap as she laughed. She settled against me with her head leaning back on my sholder. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her sholder since it was the closest thing to me.

"Nicki you just made it more comfortable to go to sleep." She yawned and snuggned into the crook of my neck.

"Well luckily I know how to make you wake up." I chimed and reached a hand down between her legs and the other up to her breast.


That actually woke her up a bit but she still seemed slumped. She just slid on some black and purple lacy set and went to the living room. I on the other hand put on some shorts and a tank top. I brushed my hair for a bit then went to the living room.

She was scanning for a movie when I sat down. I grabbed my plate and sat crisscrossed on the sofa with my plate in my lap. She found some lifetime movie and grabbed her food. She layed her head on my sholder at she started to eat.


I finished my food and seen her head slumped.

"Beyonce!" I exclaimed and she jumped up.

"What!" She groaned and sat up.

"You hardly ate are you okay?" I asked moving her plate onto the coffee table.

"Yeah I think." She said and rubbed her face.

"Come here." I said repositioning myself to lay down.

She embraced me back with her head on my collar bone.

"Here let's go to sleep." I said and she laughed.

"Im not tired anymore." She said flirtatiously and I looked down.

She was staring at my chest damn near mesmerized. I swatted her face away.

"No." I said and she groaned.

"Whyyyy?" She asked and sat up.

"Becausd you been sleeping on me all day."

"Aww Nicki want attention." She teased and pulled me onto her lap.

"I'll pay plenty if you let me." She said in my ear as she started to roam my body.

I rolled my eyes even though I wanted to.

"No." I said and hopped up heading to the room.

"Where you going?" She called after me.

"To get dresses. So get ya ass up and come on. Or else."

"Or else, or else what." I stuffled a laugh I can just see the confused look on her face.

"Imma hold out on you." I said and turned around.

She hopped over the couch like you hop over a fence and rushed past me in the room.

"Where we going?" She called as I heard drawers open and shook my head.

"No where." I said and crossed my arms at the door and she stopped looking.

She made eye contact with me with a disappointed face.

"Really Nicki?"

"Yes. You are a mess." I laughed holding into my stomach and she frowned at me.

"Awww poor baby come here." I opened my arms and she threw a shirt at me mumbling.

"No." I laughed harder and she stood up.

"Seriously though get dressed." I said and she groaned like a child.

I laughed and walked over to my dresser.

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