**Seasons Finale** Demons Come to Play: Part 1

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Christine McVie:

I hear the horrifying sound of the alarm clock aside from the hotel bed, reminding me I'm not at home for another night. I roll over on to my stomach and reach for the chord and yank it out of the wall. I turn back on to my back and stair up at the ceiling. There's no sound coming from the other side of the wall, meaning Stevie and Lindsey haven't woken up yet. Mick put me in charge of waking them up if they sleep in, or bang on the door if they're going at it too long and we're running late. My mind starts thinking of all the craziness I have to repeat from yesterday. I still haven't figured out what I'm going to do for the party. I am most certainly dreading having it at my house; based on what I saw from last year's party, I may be better off moving out afterward. I hadn't even thought about it up until now; I live in an apartment right now. Oh gosh.... Now I'm going to have to think of an alternative. It's too late to say no now. I just might have to ask John if I can have it at the house. Even though I've moved out, its still legally half mine, and I'm sure it won't be a problem.

I hear faint voices from the other side of the wall and I'm reminded that I must get up sooner or later. I push down the blankets and swing my legs over the side of the bed. I stretch out and yawn before I start another chaotic day. I head toward the window and push back the curtains to a beautiful view of the city. JC said we have to be out of here by noon, so I should get dressed and head out for breakfast before he gets cranky. I take in a deep breath and head toward the bathroom. I open the door and let the water run a few seconds before splashing some cool water on my face. I should probably hop in the shower, but I'll wait until we get to Seattle. Just as I'm about to go back into the room to get changed I hear the banging on the walls from the other side. I check the wall on the clock; it's earlier than usual for them.

Stevie Nicks:

I finish packing up my notebooks and gather then in my suitcase. "Don't forget your scarf over there, Steph." Lindsey says, hanging me another pair of earrings that were found on the table.

I head over to the bathroom and father all my hair products and stuff them in another bag along with my hairspray and tooth brush. I shut the lights off and join him back in the bedroom. "And you got your papers from the piano?"

I nod my head and stuff the bag into my suitcase before cramming it shut. "Looks like you may need a fourth suitcase."

I zip it up and stack it beside the others near the door. "Are you alright Steph, you're awfully quiet this morning?"

"Nah, I'm fine. I guess I'm just still muddled up from last night. I'm sorry about that, by the way."

"Nah, its fine. I'm glad you girls had a good time."

I give him a smile and stand up my toes to kiss his cheek. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, I've been ready for 10 minutes, Stevie."

I roll my eyes and make my way to the door. He follows me out the door carrying the suitcases and we head to the elevator. I see the house keeping cleaning Christine's room, meaning she must have headed out for breakfast.

"Hey Linds... have you started thinking about what you're going to be for Christine's party this year?"

"No, I thought you said you were going to plan something out for us. Besides, I doubt its even going to happen."

"What do you mean? It happens every year Mick said."

"Yeah, well everything comes to an end. How is Christine supposed to host when she doesn't even have a house right now? And we all know that she won't ask John to use the house. They aren't even talking let alone under any terms of deciding where to party."

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