The Indivisibly Disconnected

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Christine McVie: 

I've been thinking so much lately; I must look completely dazed. Stevie's continued to help me cope with all the pain I've managed to keep bottled up inside me for the best few weeks. I've decided to convince myself and everyone else that it never happened. What happened that night is on its way out of my memory and I'm trying my very best to try to forgive him for what he's done. Even thought he was too drunk that night to remember what happened, I know that the John I married would be on his knees, begging for forgiveness if he knew that he'd done what he did. Hell, he wouldn't have done it to begin with. He seems to be doing a lot better than usual; he hasn't went out drinking in a while. It makes me wonder if he really has forgotten what happened and he's trying to redeem himself, or if its just temporary and I'm only raising my hopes for nothing. The albums almost finished, Lindsey's just doing some tweaking with Richard and I suppose its finished. It's been nearly half a year already and it feels like its only been a matter of weeks. The music sounds absolutely incredible, but I worry that the band itself won't make it to the next album. We're all just so dysfunctional; its a joke trying to get anything done as planned, but I guess that's whats made the music sound so different this time around. Before Stevie and Lindsey joined the band it was all done completely professionally with the exception of the drugs. Everything was done so quickly and seriously, that no one was having fun. I wouldn't necessarily say that making this album has been a grand ole time, but it seems to be working, whatever we're doing wrong. He actually brought up the subject of children this morning, which took me by surprise. Perhaps he's forgotten the hell we went through trying once before. I honestly hope that he's not thinking of trying to conceive again, I already know how it will end and I can't bear to waste either of our time any longer. Especially after what's just happened. I'd like to take a little bit of a break just to see how things go before I start warming back up to him. I just wish he could get his drinking under control and then we wouldn't have half as many problems as we do. I reach for the remote and turn off the telly since, clearly I'm not paying any attention. I should probably get some housework done. John went out to pick up some milk and eggs and he should be back soon and I haven't even started dinner. I put out my cigarette in the ashtray on the coffee table and make my way to the stairs. I make the bed first and gather all the laundry on John's side of the bed. Nothing unusual; being he's usually either too lazy, too tired, or both to care that I'm the one that has to clean these things up after him. As I'm about to leave the room a pair of pants slip from my arms and fall to the floor. I bend down to pick them up and feel something in one of the pockets. I set down the other clothes beside me on the floor and reach my hand inside. I find three small pieces of paper, folded up with writing on the inside. I unfold them and on the inside I read different phone numbers from women by the names of; Sandy, Jennifer and Veronica. I know exactly what this means; that bastard has been cheating on me. I fucking knew it! I can feel my adrenaline pumping and I want to kill that no good, son of a bitch! First he decides to get drunk out of his mind and then he goes and starts seeing other women. I'm not letting him get away with it this time. Of all the selfish, inconsiderate, stupid things that man has done, this has got to be his biggest mistake of all. I rip the papers into shreds and burn them in my bare hands. I stand up and fly out of the bedroom and back down the stairs, kicking everything I need to, out of my way. I head straight for the kitchen, knowing exactly what I'm heading for. I go straight for the back door, and snatch the keys to his sailboat in my hands. He's going to wish that he had never married me when I'm finished with him. 

Stevie Nicks:

I haven't seen Christine for a few days and it makes me wonder what she's up to. I'm assuming that whatever she's busy with, its a good thing because she hasn't called me to take me up on the offer I made her, if she needed my help or someone to talk to. I myself, have been at home fooling around with my magic. The other day I made the bed while sitting down in a chair on the other side of the room. It's not nearly as easy as I thought it'd be, but I think I'm really starting to get the hang of it now. When I first found out I was a witch, after I realized that Christine wasn't bluffing, my reaction was to try to evade it and pretend I wasn't what I am, but now that I'm getting the hang of it, I can't imagine what it'd be like if I wasn't. I've always relied on others to tell me what to do and if I'm doing it right, but having magic has made me more independent. I don't feel like I need to depend on anyone anymore. Knowing that I'm a witch makes me feel invincible and it gives me a sensibility that I don't have to be told what to do. Sadly to say; I really do owe all this to Chris. If it weren't for her I suppose I would probably be in a mental institution, thinking that I'd gone completely crazy. I have to say that Christine has definitely convinced me that she's not planning my death; she actually seems like a very nice woman. I guess we just got off on the wrong foot, we've really warmed up since then. I'm happy that we're at peace now, because I know for a fact that I can barely handle myself around mortals let alone that woman. Hell hath no fury to Christine when she's pissed. Speaking of which... I can't help but wonder what she's been up to. I make the decision to give her a call and see what she's been up to. I set down my glass of wine and go back inside and dial her number; no answer. 

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