Estranged Hardships *Mid-Season Finale*

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Christine McVie:

Her reaction is complete shock. "John!? Your husband!!?"

Hearing her say John's name just made me cry more at the thought that my own husband; the man I married, did this to me. She can probably read from my expression that she's right and she walks me to the couch to sit down. "I'm so sorry, Chris. I don't know what to say!"

She brushes the hair out of my face and looks at my cheek which is still burning like it had just caught fire. She takes a sharp breath in, at the sight of it and slowly runs her fingers over it. "Does this hurt?" She asks. 

I wince at her touch and nod my head. "Why don't I get you some ice? Would you like some water or something to calm down?"

I suck in another breath and shake me head. "No just the ice is fine, thank you."

She runs off to the kitchen and I sink my head into the couch. What on earth am I going to do now? Everything is going so well with the band and the new album. It seems so surreal to think that my husband just hit me. He told me that he would never hurt me the very day we married. He vowed to take care of me in sickness and health, whether we were rich or poor and he lied. Only a few years later, here we are married and richer than ever in a rock band and it's done nothing but tear us apart. I can't help but want to blame myself for this; if I weren't a witch and like all other normal women, then maybe we wouldn't fight as much, causing him to drink. I don't know for sure if that's the real reason he drinks, but he did start drinking more heavily ever since we've started arguing more frequently. Stevie comes back with a glass of water and a washcloth with ice in it. "I brought you some water anyway, just incase."

She sets the tray down on the coffee table and sits down next to me. My face is still buried in the couch and so I sit up to look at her, trying not to be rude. After all; she is all I have right now. I can tell by the pity on her face that she's deeply upset as well. She pulls me into her arms and I cry my heart out on her shoulder. "I'm so sorry Chris. You don't deserve this at all. He shouldn't have hit you, especially John. He knows better than that, I'm shocked that he would even think of hurting you! What on earth happened anyway?" She asks, only trying to make me feel better. 

I take the hint that she wants me to stop crying and I gather what dignity I have left and pull back from her embrace. I wipe the tears from my face which makes my cheek burn again and answer her. "I came home from shopping... and he was drunk and wanted dinner." I take a minute to continue and she waits patiently. "I told him to make his own and I went to go upstairs... but he wouldn't listen and kept arguing... he started yelling and then I started yelling and when I thought it was over I went to go upstairs and he threw my mother's lamp. I got really angry and so I slapped him and he hit me back harder...." 

I start to cry again but I mange to continue. "I told him that I didn't even know who he was anymore and then he hit me again and just left me there, lying on the floor. That's when I got my stuff and left."

She appears speechless. "Why didn't you do something!" She says, sounding confused and incredibly saddened at the same time. 

"What do you mean? What was there to do? I couldn't leave, I was afraid he'd hit me again."

"No Chris... why didn't you use your magic!?"

That was a good question. "I-I couldn't..."

"What do you mean!? Sure you can!"

"No you don't understand Stevie... I love John so much, I can't even imagine hurting him. I just wasn't thinking properly in the moment. I was so startled by his violence that I wasn't even thinking of fighting back."

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