Clandestinely Revealing

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Christine McVie:

I sit at the table with Mick and Richard playing a game of cards. I have a terrible hand and I'm more than likely going to lose in a few seconds to Mick; the whole band will never hear the end of it! I take another sip of beer from the bottle and lay down my cards. "Ooh, Miss pristine Perfect over here is going to fold, hey?"

"Shut up Dick, I'm still beating your ass." I say, taking another drink from the bottle. 

"Can you not call me that please." He says, laying down a full house.

Mick yells in agony and throws down three queens and a two and a four. 

Richard takes his corn chips and laughs sinisterly. Just as I lift my glass to my lips Lindsey walks in and we all welcome him with sarcastic compliments and overly dramatic 'hello!' s. 

"What's eatin' you?" Richard says, taking the cards and shuffling. 

"Hey can I use your light?" I ask Mick, as he slides his lighter across the table. I light my cigarette and take a drag as we all watch Lindsey pull a beer out of the refrigerator and join us. "Ah, it's nothing." He says, clearly faking it. 

"Oh come on man, you can tell your best mates. What is it?" Mick urges. 

"I bet it's Stevie... it's Stevie isn't it?! Is she givin' you trouble?" Richard asks, dividing the cards. 

Lindsey gives us a guilty look and cracks open the bottle with the lighter. I remain silent and let the men talk it out; I reflect on my own. "Come on, spill it mate!" Mick repeats.

"She isn't talking to me... I think she's keeping something from me." Lindsey confesses, before taking a drink. 

"Well what do you think she's hiding?" Richard asks. 

"I don't know. Whatever it is I have a bad feeling it's something heavy. She's never acted this way around me, except for the past few months but now she's barely speaking to me." He continues, stealing one of my corn chips. 

"Hey! Back off Bucko! I won those fair and square!" I shout, half serious. 

He raises his hands pleading guilty and sits back in his chair taking another drink of his beer. 

"You don't think she's having an affair?" Mick suggests.

"I don't know... I hope not." Lindsey says sadly. 

I seem to be the only one that catches his reaction. "I bet it's that new guy in the office." Richard says, with a know-it-all look on his face. 

"No... she wouldn't..." Lindsey's defends. 

I get the feeling he was mainly saying that to convince himself, not the others. "Maybe she's leaving you, man?" 

"Richard, don't be such a dick!" Mick says, punching Richard in the arm. 

He backs off and continues setting up the cards but still keeping an ear of the conversation. "You don't think she's pregnant, do you?" Mick asks.

"Seriously! Would you guys cut it out!?" I yell. 

Next they're going to guess she's planning a murder; little do they know of what she's capable of.

"Calm down Chris! You know something we don't?" Richard asks. 

"No... I don't." I lie. "But even if I did I wouldn't tell you pinheads."

I get up from my chair taking my pack of cigarettes and glass of wine with me. 

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