On The Brink of Violation

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Christine McVie:

I’m actually so relieved to be heading home soon. I pour myself a cup of coffee and add my special ingredient. I saunter back into the room to hear Lindsey yelling at Mick and sit beside Stevie and the girls. Robin’s back from vacation and I think all of us are grateful she’s here. Even though, technically she’s just Stevie’s friend, she has her own way of keeping us all grounded. I cross my legs and take a sip of my coffee, as I look over at the clock. 2:00 p.m. and they’re still going at it! “Hey boys… why don’t we call it a night?” I yell to them. 

Lindsey waves his arm in my direction and continues arguing with Mick, probably about something stupid. I roll my eyes and zone out. Everyone’s already left, including Curry and all the lighting and sound. “Well, I have no reason being here any longer. I’m heading home. Stevie honey, do you need ride?” I ask as I grab my purse from the row back. 

She shakes her head and continued her conversation with Robin. I exit through the front door saying goodnight to John on my way out. I hop in my car and light a cigarette on the way home. Thank god there’s only a few weeks left of rehearsal. Today was exhausting and went super slow. Lindsey has to argue about every little thing in his songs and now Stevie’s caving and letting him boss her around too. Every once in a while I stand up for her when I can tell she’s just too tired to deal with it, but I know for a fact that my songs aren’t being changed at all for this tour. I don’t see why he would want to change them at all if they’re the songs that seem to be selling so well. I’m still furious that no one liked my idea of putting in a few of my old ones. I think we’d all harmonize perfectly on Prove Your Love, but they don’t listen to me. 

I pull into my driveway and put out my second cigarette. I swing open the door and trudge up to the front door, feeling twice as tired as I was this morning, when I only got four hours of sleep. I take the keys out of my pocket and go to unlock the door until I see a piece of paper hanging out of my mailbox. The mail doesn’t come until Tuesday… I open the flap and find a handwritten note. I unfold it and see its a note from Curry. He asks me to meet him at the studio early in the morning and adds an XO at the end. I can’t see why he’d need to see me that soon, but I hope it isn’t bad news. Great! The last thing I need on my mind before bed. 

I unlock the door and leave my purse and the note on the hutch on my way up the stairs. The first thing I do is take off my boots and undo my hair. It’s so nice feeling the hair on my shoulders after hours and hours of excruciating rehearsal. I take a seat at the vanity and brush through my hair and remove what little make-up is left from this morning. I change into a nighty and shut off the lights. I set my alarm for 9:00 a.m. hoping that’s enough time for us to ‘talk’

Stevie Nicks:

“Chris! This has gone waaay too far! I think you should end it before something happens!”

“Nothing is going to happen Stevie! I told Curry that you’re the only one who knows… and Mick now…”

I give her a disapproving look. “Chris… you know this is wrong and it isn’t fair. If Lindsey or heaven forbid John find out, he could lose his job and John will never forgive you! Is that what you want?”

She takes a second. “No… but it’s what I want, Stevie. John and I are in a different position than we were a few years ago. Back then I wouldn’t do this… I wouldn’t have to! As long as the three of us don’t say a word, they’ll never know.”

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