Incineration in Consideration

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Christine McVie:

"Jesus Christ Stevie, how many times am I going to have to tell you before you listen to one god damn word I've been telling you." I say to her.

"I'm telling you Christine, I don't believe in witches and I think you're lying to yourself." She says, following close behind me as I make my way down the vintage wine aisle.

"Well you better start." I say back.

I reach onto the shelf and take three bottles. "Jesus Chris, how much do you need." She whines.

"Enough to keep me sane." I answer.

She gives me a confused look and moves on. "Do you drink anything besides wine?"

"No." I answer, holding the bottles to my chest and walking to the cash. "Well actually, I'll really drink anything ask long as there's alcohol in it."

"How can you drink this much and never pass out?" She asks.

I give her the same look I've been giving her every time she asks a question like that which she knows the answer to. "The same way you can get every guy on the phase of this earth to get in bed with you."

"I don't believe you! That's your way of being a bitch and calling me a slut! It's horse shit and you know it!" She yells back louder than necessary.

Ever since I told her last week on my discovery of her being a witch she's been in denial and won't listen to a word I say. She hates me now but I've found something deep inside me to move on. After all she is one of my kind, it's not like I can just watch her carry on her simple miserable boring life with all these extravagant powers locked up inside of her that she can't confess to. It's not like she can hide them, especially now that I'm around they'll only get stronger; when us witches are around each other our powers only strengthen and it'll become even more obvious the longer she's around. I figure I might as well let her stick around so I can show her a thing or two and to be honest, I can't see it being as easy as I thought it would be before to get rid of her. If she's going to be around me in the studio for 12 hours, shit is bound to go down so I might as well teach her thing a thing or two so she doesn't go mad. At least to the point where she learns to control it, I don't need anymore suspects around the joint. If I've managed to keep it from John this long it shouldn't be too difficult getting her to keep her mouth shut around Lindsey. If she doesn't listen I suppose I could just throw her against another wall again; that seemed to straighten her out the first time. Plus, seemingly she doesn't bruise, so that's just less of a mess I have to clean up. I come back to my senses and realize that she's still mumbling on about the last I said. "Chris do you hear a word I'm saying?"

"Of course I can hear you Stevie! You don't think that I have the power of silencing people, do you? Because if I did I would have used it on you by now!"

She frowns and gives me a sarcastic smile. I put the bottles up on the counter and watch them move down the conveyer belt. "I'm sorry sir, but I can't let you buy that unless you have ID." The woman at the cash register said.

I looked over at the man on our side of the counter who was clearly within the age limits of purchasing alcohol. I listen to him carry on with how he had forgotten it at home and he was in a hurry for his sisters engagement party. I felt bad for the man. I cleared my voice and stepped forward. "Excuse me ma'am, but I couldn't help but overhear your argument with this young man. I don't see the issue here, the man is clearly of age." I say, looking straight into her eyes.

She froze for a moment to think and complied. "You're right ma'am, I'm sorry sir, that'll be $5.00"

I smiled and looked back at Stevie who was clearly trying to hide that she had seen what I had done. After him, I paid for our drinks and we made our way out to the car. "You're still not fooling me Chris, just because she backed off when you came in doesn't mean anything." She said.

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