Overburden of her Felicity

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Christine McVie:

I watch him from across the room as I sit on a stool with my legs crossed, biting on my straw settled in the bottom of my empty beer bottle. He looks over at me and I smile at him. He returns the smile and lets out a small chuckle as he follows a bunch of men out of view. “Who’s that?”

I jump in my seat, dropping my beer bottle on the ground. “Christ Stevie! Do you have to sneak around like that? You’re like a…a…”


I narrow my eyes at her and motion my hands toward the broken shards on the ground. Within seconds they’re conjoined and back in their bottle formation; good as new. “So… who is he? I’ve seen you staring at each other all day long.” She bothers. 

“He’s the new lighting directer, I suppose. Mick sort of introduced him to me and John this morning.”

I throw the bottle in the garbage and move across the stage, down to the empty seats. I pick up my book and try hinting to her I’m done with the conversation; but Stevie being Stevie presses on. “Oh… I see. Whats his name?”

I roll my eyes and look up at her as I take a seat in the front row. “I don’t know…we haven’t really talked yet.”

“Well maybe you should go talk to him.” She said. 

“Oh yeah? About what? What do I know about stage lighting?”

I narrow my eyes at her once more and return to my book, dropping another hint. 

“It doesn’t have to be about lighting. Just go over and introduce yourself. No man in their right mind wouldn’t want to speak to a beautiful, young rockstar. Just go so ‘hi’.”

I let out a sigh and close my book, holding my finger between pages. “Look… Stevie I appreciate your enthusiasm toward my love life, but I’m afraid I can’t take your advice. I’m not interested in any relationship of any kind at the moment and I’d care to be left alone right now. So if you wouldn’t mind just leaving me to my book, I’d really appreciate it.”

She shrugs and gives me a small frown. “Fine. Sorry I bothered.”

She turns and walks back over to her little corner, situated by the vocal area. Once I come to the conclusion she’s finally given up, I re-open my book and continue from the last page. Within a few moments I can see someone from the corner of my eye approaching from across the room. I try to ignore it, knowing its probably Stevie, back with more of her wonderful advice. I hear someone clear their voice and realize its not Stevie. It’s a man’s voice and man who is standing in front of me. I look up from my book and he’s standing about a foot away from me with a bunch of papers in his hands. “Uh… hi.”

“Hi… how do you do?”

How stupid am I! Why would I say something like that? “I’m good thank you, and yourself?”

“I’m fine thank you.” I respond. “You’re the new lighting director, right?” I ask. 

“Yeah. I believe Mick introduced me earlier.”

I nod my head at him, awkwardly. 

“I’m sorry… I actually just came over to get my gobos.”

“Your what?” I ask, slightly confused. 

He mumbled awkwardly and points to my seat. I look to where he’s pointing and see a small square sticking out from below me. “Oh! I’m sorry! I didn’t even see those there!” 

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