Opening the Curtain

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Christine McVie:

I hear a bunch of yelling and scuffling around from outside the dressing room door. This time around I'm not the only girl anymore and I'll be sharing with Stevie; which I don't mind. I'm just finishing my eyeliner and I haven't a clue where Stevie has gone. She said something about Robin and some lozenges, meaning she's probably caught a cold again. I lose concentration and my pencil slips off of my eyelid. I curse under my breath. I might as well go find Stevie, because for some reason my hands aren't cooperating today. I hardly got any sleep last night, I'm assuming that's why I'm so shaky. However, it could be because I'm so damn nervous for tonight.

Just as I'm about to set down my pencil to go find Stevie, she comes flying in with a mug of something and not a trace of make-up on her. "Stevie! Where have you been!? Shouldn't you be onstage for mic check?!"

"Calm down Chris... I just finished with he guys. I just went to see is Robin had some cough drops in her purse."

"Could you be a doll and help me with my eyeliner. The damn thing isn't cooperating."

She gives me a warm smile and nods her head. "Sure Chris, come over here."

I sit down on the chair in front of her and she takes the pencil in her hand and carefully draws a sharp line on my upper eyelid. She's the only person I trust to hold a sharp utensil against my eyes; I can't imagine what I'd do without her. I could never asks the guys; I'd end up going on stage looking like some sort of clown.

She finishes quicker than I ever could and hands it back to me. "Thanks Steph."

"No problem." She responds, turning back to the vanity and reaching for a huge bag on the floor next to mine.

"Shit, is that all your make-up?"

"Ha ha, yeah... Most of its mine, but some of it I stole from Robin, in all honesty."

I chuckle and get up from my seat. "Dammit, I forgot my lipstick at home!"

"Oh here... you can use mine, love."

"Thanks Chris, but its not the same. I'm looking for my bordeaux one, but It doesn't look likes its in here."

She fiddles around in her make-up bag a little while longer before giving up. "Well shit, now I have to change my shirt."

"Stevie, its just a tube of lipstick, just wear a different colour." I laugh.

She ignores me and walks to the other side of the room and digs through the huge metal trunk until she finds another shirt, almost identical to the one she has on, but black. While she's changing, I decide I might as well go see where Ray is and ask him if he's already got to tuning my acoustic.

Stevie Nicks:

I finish putting on my lip gloss and I hear a knock on the door. "Yes...!" I yell.

"Ten minutes!" JC yells.

"Thanks!" I yell back, before he's gone and moves on the guys room.

I quickly tousle my hair and check both sides. I confirm the outcome and shut off the mirror lights. Mick's always complaining about shutting them off because the lightbulbs run out so fast. I leave the room with my scarf in my hands and walk onstage in the midst of putting it on.

"Hey, Stevie... Lindsey's looking for you." Says one of the lighting guys.

"Okay, thanks." I say. "Where is he?"

"I think he's out back with some of the guys."

I give him a nod, and make my way to the other side of the backstage area, stepping over wires and avoiding the huge crates scattered all over. I open the door and a huge wave of pot overcomes me. "Shit guys, it smells like you're growing it back here."

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