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Christine McVie:

I've only met Stevie once involuntarily due to Mick and John. I could have easily blown them off and stayed home but I decided to go and see this intriguing new young woman who was joining the band by force because her 'brilliant' guitar playing boyfriend. We met at a local Mexican restaurant and it seems as though John failed to remind them that Mexican food makes me nauseous, but John and I's marriage is a different story. I simply ordered a tea and sat back and observed every small detail about this girl and by the end of the night I had gained a rather strong disliking to her. I wasn't sure if I liked the idea of some young girl coming out of no where and joining my band and thinking she could take my position as the female in the band. I have been around long enough to know how things go around here and just because I'm sure all the men around here will be thrilled they have a new toy to play with, I provide all the estrogen around here and I keep things fair and that won't change no matter who enters this band or who decides to leave like the rest have. Mick and John said they loved them both and were so excited for us to get into the studio as for me, I was dreading it. Sadly I would have to control myself. I'm not going to impose myself as some psychotic bitch that thinks she owns the joint and is superior to everyone else but I will let her know where I stand and if she pisses me off then I suppose I could always have a little fun with her, it's not like the others would suspect a thing. I've been pulling the wool over their eyes since the moment they first saw me and the two of them haven't a clue of what goes on around here, including my own husband. As I said, he's a different story, he's been seeing someone behind my back ever since our argument last month when he threw a vase at me and nearly cracked my scull open. It's a damn good thing he missed me otherwise I would have had him in the ground by now. I'll admit this affair that's been going on behind my back (or as he believes is) is starting to bother me; we have one fight and he decides to run off and start sleeping with the first woman he sets his cheating eyes on and now I feel like an idiot; like he thinks he can hide it from me and make a fool out of me, little does he know I know far more than people give me credit for. You can't blame me for being angry or feeling inferior to this tramp he's seeing, I am still his wife and I'm not even quite sure we've split up. We still live together, he just lives down the hall. I suppose we just need some time to ourselves, in the meantime I've been conjuring up some ideas to get rid of this other woman that's looser than the floorboards in our dining room. So far I've considered; confronting her and telling her to stay that hell away from my husband, telling John that the jigs up and he's going to have to lose the mistress or lose the wife, or (my personal favourite) slip something in her drink that'll knock her out, drag her outside and tie her to a tree and watch her burn! I think the last one is slightly beyond my potential so I think I'll have to stick with talking to John about it later. 

I rung Stevie about an hour to ask her to join me for tea at my place and she said she'd be here ten minutes ago and now here I am sitting on the love seat staring at the door while my tea gets colder and colder and I don't enjoy cold tea. I hear the doorbell ring and I stand to get it, setting down my drink and straightening my skirt in the process. I walk into the massive front room and swing open the door to find Stevie standing on the other side, three inches below me holding out a tray of cookies. "Good afternoon Stevie,  come on in." I say being as polite as possible, stepping out of the way. 

She entered and I took her coat and hung it up in the coat closet. I heard her try to muffle a gasp and was instantly worried that John had forgotten to leave and was coming down the stairs in his underwear, drunk, like he did last week. "What is it?" I asked, spinning around quickly to face the stairs. 

"Nothing, it's just... your house looks beautiful." She said with her mouth open in awe as she admired the chandelier above us. 

I smiled. "Thank you." I said warmly.

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