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"Why are we down here?" I ask, his hand snaking in mine and interlocking our fingers.

"Because," He scans the area, before gently backing me against the wall, "I haven't kissed my girlfriend in hours."

I can't help the smile the comes to my face as his lips mold against mine, his metal hand running up my suited body. I run my hands through his hair, tugging lightly.

Even kissing him, something feels off. But I try to push past it, enjoying these few stolen moments. My hands leave his hair and trail down to his cheek, then jaw, then down his neck until I am tracing my fingers along the skin on his chest. He took off his jacket so now he's only wearing a tank top.

His lips travel down my neck and I run my fingers under the strap of his tank top. Hold on.

I pull away slightly, causing him to stop and look down at me, "What's wrong?"

I pull the strap of his shirt to the side, running over the area where the bullet wound scar was from when he shot himself when he was being triggered last year. It's not there.

I gulp, looking up at him, "Bucky, where is your scar?"

He sighs, "I didn't want you to find out like this."

"Find what out-?" I stop myself, dropping my hands from it's chest. It all makes sense. Why everyone is acting strange, why he called me Adelaide, why May isn't their top priority. Oh my God. "You're not Bucky."

His metal hand grips around my neck tightly, causing me to gasp and try to push him off, "No, stop-"

"Don't you see? Our bodies don't matter. We aren't who we are because of our scars, or our metal limbs. It's our minds."

"Bucky-" I gasp. He lifts me off the ground and I start kicking my feet.

"Radcliffe created a beautiful world," His eyes glisten and I continue to thrash in his hold, "Imagine a place where your greatest regret is wiped away. You never have to live without who or what you miss most. Radcliffe created a world where that's possible. It's called the Framework."

"I can't breathe," I tell him, feeling the veins popping from my neck as I claw at his hand.

"I wish you could see it, I do," He shakes his head, "But Radcliffe programmed me to finish the Russians mission."

That's why they're bringing all the Inhumans here. They're going to kill all of them. Starting with me.

Oh hell no. I'm not dying today. And I'm certainly not dying at the hands of a Bucky robot.

I harness as much air as I can and gust it at his chest, causing him to fall back but still keep me in his grip.

I kick in his knee with a grunt, causing him to drop for a second, which gives me the opportunity to knee him in the chest. He finally releases me and I breathe in a deep breath.

I back away from him, ready to fight as he stands to his feet.

He grunts and comes at me, swinging his fist towards my face, which I dodge easily, "My boyfriend as a killer android," I huff, continuing to dodge his attacks, "Gotta be honest. Didn't see that one coming."

As he finishes a swing, I spin quickly and bring my foot up, kicking him across the face. His head turns with the movement but he stays completely steady, looking back at me slowly. Huh. That usually works.

He punches me again but I block it with my arm, leaving me wide open for the kick he deliverers to my chest. I fly backwards, his robotic strength very noticeable, banging into the wall and onto the ground. Lincoln would totally be able to just fry these guys.

indestructible. ✪  ‹ bucky barnes › - avengers x agents of shieldWhere stories live. Discover now