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Forty nine - Uninvited

[ 5 days after the wedding ]

"You've lost weight," Genevieve commented as she turned on the fireplace for me.

I nodded absentmindedly, finding it hard to even focus on anything anyone said anymore. Genevieve had noticed this and pointed out it was because I was refusing to eat food.

"Keep going like this and you'll be nothing but bones in a week."

I frowned, looking down at my fingers. They didn't look much different to me, but Genevieve constantly told me it was obvious I was starving myself.

"The servants are starting to talk," she spoke. "They've noticed you've gotten thinner."

I didn't say anything because my throat felt too dry for me to even speak.

Genevieve let out a big sigh before sitting down on the couch across from me. I stared at the roaring fireplace, refusing to look at her face that, no doubt, was twisted into an expression of pity and silently begging me to eat something. The idea disgusted me.

"Tell me any food you would like to eat. I will get you any food, I swear."

If my headache wasn't so damn bad maybe I would've chuckled at her desperate attempt to get me to eat. Instead of saying anything I just blinked and continued to watch the fireplace silently. Sooner or later, she would have to leave me alone.

She did end up leaving me alone after a few minutes. I figured she had some work to do around the house anyway.

I had two thick jackets over me along with a blanket draped across my lap and a fireplace right in front of me, but I was still shivering uncontrollably. My teeth chattered against each other. Both my fingers and toes felt as though it could fall off at any moment.

I heard someone come through the front door and looked up. Sebastian walked through the door, carrying a box of doughnuts and two cups of some hot beverage.

He smiled when he saw me but quickly frowned when he saw the state I was in. "My god, Ophelia, you look terrible."

I flashed him a small, weak smile as he approached me, carefully inspecting me. I hadn't been able to look at myself in the mirror lately so I wasn't quite sure what I even looked like.

"Are they not giving you any food or something?"

Genevieve quickly butted in from the kitchen. "We give her plenty. She just won't eat."

Sebastian sighed as he plopped himself down on the couch and then propped his feet up on the coffee table. "Don't you want some doughnut, Ophelia? I got it from a good cafe."

"No, thanks."

His face fell. "You really should eat something, you know?"

Genevieve appeared from the kitchen, "I've been trying for five days. She just doesn't give in."

"I do eat," I rasped.

Genevieve raised her eyebrows disapprovingly. "But not enough. Please just eat at least one meal. For me?"

"Eat something," Adam's voice sounded in my head.

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