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Thirty nine - Not Human

"My baby!"

The curly haired woman could only sob as she embraced her dead and very pale daughter. I watched as she pressed her forehead to her daughter's cheek, screaming something along the line of 'come back to me'.

A friend of the victim who was also a servant had been the one who found her first. The dead servant's name was Allison. Someone had stabbed her with a kitchen knife in the kitchen the night the psychopomp visited me. The psychopomp must've been there to reap her poor soul.

Genevieve rested her hands on the woman's shoulders, whispering some comforting words to the extremely upset mother. It didn't seem to be working though because the mother's wailing just continued and kept on getting louder as time passed.

Xander stood in the middle of the room, looking down at the mother with his hand laced together in front of him. His face was expressionless as he watched the woman cry.

I swallowed before looking away and looking at Rose. She had been the one who found Allison first. It was her scream that caught everyone's attention.

She sobbed, hands covering her eyes so that she couldn't see the scene that was unfolding in front of her. I glanced down and saw Adam in the corner of my eye. I didn't dare look at him though, afraid that Xander might think I was looking straight at the wall.

"Who did this? I'm going to kill them for it."

Genevieve's eyes widened. "'Ma'am, Lord Deathfall is doing the best he can to find out who killed your daughter. It will take time but sooner or later, the murderer will be found."

"Really? Lord Deathfall, with all due respect, I don't even think you care. My daughter is just another one of your servant, isn't she?"

I stepped forward, stepping in her line of sight to block Xander from her view. "Ma'am, I can assure you that Lord Deathfall wants to know the person who did this as much as you do. He has ordered his spies to investigate everything. All the servants are being questioned and are working under surveillance at all times. What happened to your daughter was very unfortunate but Lord Deathfall is working hard to find the murderer. We will find out soon."

She frowned, brown eyes shining with tears. She sniffed and glanced down at her daughter once again. "I'm going to kill whoever did this."

"Genevieve, perhaps you could bring her outside and get her something to drink."

Genevieve urged the woman to stand and led her outside.

I walked over to Rose and embraced her. "It's okay. She's in a better place. Why don't you clean yourself up, okay?"

She nodded and hastily walked out of the room, not once daring to glance at Allison's corpse that had been cleaned and changed into a dark orange dress.

"You're good at this," Xander finally spoke, hands now inserted into his pants pockets.

I smiled sadly. "At what?"

"Comforting people. Things like that. You have a talent with words."

I walked closer to Allison's body. "I wish I didn't have to say any of those things. Who do you think killed her?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. The mages haven't been able to find out either."

I nodded. "The truth will come out sooner or later. God, I could never do something like that. Stabbing someone so carelessly." I shuddered at the thought of a knife piercing someone's skin. I couldn't imagine someone had the courage to stab a human being, let alone kill them.

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