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Six - Dreaming

~Slight mature content

My heart skipped a beat as Adeline passed me. She barely looked at me and continued on her way. I released a breath when she finally stepped out of view, knowing that she hadn't caught me trying to get up the third floor.

I was lucky I managed to spot the CCTV on the third floor just in time before exploring any further. There was absolutely no way that anyone could sneak into the file room without getting caught by the camera. Fortunately, no one seemed to act any different as I passed them to go home. The whole way home I prayed that no one would call my name from behind and demand that I come back with them to the asylum.

My heart was racing fast as I finally unlocked my apartment door and slipped inside quietly. I checked around first, making sure no one had somehow entered my apartment and was hiding under the bed or inside one of the rooms.

I only turned on the kitchen light, knowing that it would give me more than enough light to roam around the living room area. From the bathroom, I could see the window from the living room. I left the bathroom door open to drink in the sight of the moon as the scalding shower water pounded on my back and head.

When I was finished I managed to watch the TV for a little while before finally heading to bed. That was when I noticed that my room seemed to smell of something quite citrusy. It had a hint of sweet but just enough that it was not too overpowering.

I cautiously walked around the bed to the spot where the smell was the strongest. Slowly opening my closet, I braced myself for what I was about to see but to my relief, there was nothing there except my clothes.

Despite my limbs feeling as though they were going to fall off from exhaustion, I kept on searching around the room for anything that might explain why my bedroom smelt like lime. At one point in the night, I felt my eyes droop and I flopped onto the bed, letting sleep overtake me.


There was that voice again. It occurred so often that I was sure I was going crazy. It was always the same voice. The same familiar voice, but I could never put my finger on it. It was someone I knew.

"Ophelia." My eyes snapped open, droplets of sweat suddenly trickling into it even though my room felt as though it was a freezer. The citrusy smell was gone but when I rotated my head to the right I saw that my window was open, the wind gently caressing the curtains. The sky was still dark and the streets were silent so I knew it was not nearing morning yet. For a minute I only stared at the window, listening to the flapping of the sheer, white curtains. I was so sure I had closed and locked it before I went to sleep.

When I sat up to close it the scent of musk seemed to waft through the air. The scent was even more overpowering than the citrusy smell in my room the night before. I furrowed my eyebrows but walked to the window to close it anyway. When I tried to close the window I noticed that it would not budge or slide even a little bit.

My eyes completely widened when I saw a man standing in the middle of the street just in front of my apartment. He was staring up right at me in the darkness. I could not see his face properly when he was standing under the dim streetlight but it looked like... Xander?

I forced my window close with newfound strength and let out a yelp of relief when I finally managed to lock it. I looked back down to the street to see that he was gone.

I almost winced when I heard a thud from outside in the living room. As I slowly walked to my bedroom door I could just hear my heart beating against my ribcage. I made sure that my movements were silent and then pressed my ear up to the door to find out whether someone had broke in.

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