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"Morning babe, I think I hear Charles, should I go grab him so you can feed him?"

She nodded sleepily.

He got up and put his boxers on not bothering to get dressed after the night before, and walked to Charles room.

"Hi baby, are you hungry? You're smelly too lets get you changed and take you to your mama to get some milk in you."

He quickly changed his diaper and carried him over to Alice to feed.

"Here he is babe, hungry monkey he is this morning." He handed Charles to her and she sat up to feed him. 

FP slipped in bed beside her just smiling.

"So, I was wondering if you wanted to go to pops this morning? and then maybe the park? The place is pretty much done and it seems like a nice day this morning. I'm sure Charles would love the swings" He said smiling.

"I'd love that Jonesy, what do you think Charles?" He just smiled up at her and hit his hand along her chest.

"Seems like he wants to." She said giggling. "You can start getting ready FP, his diaper bag might need to be restocked, if you want you can put some water in one of his bottles, also put a baby food and a spoon in his bag as well so he can eat at pops with us." 

"Sounds good babe." 

He got up to get dressed, and was about to walk out of the room until he heard Alice yell.

"Ow! Charles!"

"What? What happened?"

"He bit me!"

"What do you mean he bit you?"

"He's feeding and he bit me. I guess he has a tooth coming in. God I'm not ready for the teething stage, if he continues to bite me all the time I can't do this anymore. That shit hurts."

"Charles baby don't bite your mama it isn't nice."

Alice just sighed. "It isn't his fault FP, he's in pain so he's going to bite on what he can to relieve some pressure on his gums, maybe we should go pick up some OraGel so he won't be in so much pain before we go get breakfast otherwise he might be miserable."

He finished eating so she burped him and laid him down so she could fix her top.

"What's that babe?" He asked.

"It's like a gel that we can rub on his gums where the tooth is coming in and it will kind of numb the area so he isn't in pain, it's made for babies so it's perfectly safe."

"Let's do it then, he's such a happy baby usually I don't want to see him sad."

She left Charles on the bed while she was getting dressed and getting some makeup on, watching him to make sure he didn't roll off the bed. When FP had the car seat ready and the stroller and diaper bag in the car he came in to get Charles dressed, and then put him in the car and waited for Alice.

She came out and hopped in the pickup and they went off to pops.

They got out of the car and FP placed Charles in the stroller and they walked into pops, they grabbed a seat and he saw Gladys with her baby crying.


"Yeah Al?"

"I kind of feel bad for her, does she know who the baby's dad is?"

He nodded. "Yeah, but she hasn't told him and she's scared."

"Stay here with Charles, let me go talk to her."

She walked over to where Gladys was sitting.


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