The Seven Deadly Sins

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Fluff / Very little Angst

Moving into a house full of demons wasn't exactly what Y/n had bargained for. The male was kicked out of his home because he and his recent roommate had a pity fight. Although, living with the deadly sins seemed kind of fun.

Shuffling his way into the small house, Y/n let out a huff as he placed down a few bags of groceries. Gluttony came floating in quickly, her excitement alerting the others that their friend was home. "Soo~ what did you get!?" the anxious demon asked, a grin spread across her cheeks. Y/n chuckled softly. "The usual."

Greed came floating in, quickly digging through the bags, trying to find something that would interest him. "You're holding something back, what is it?" Y/n huffed softly. "It's nothing.." Wrath piped up, her voice overpowering any other noise. "Like hell it's not. The fuck's up with you?" Rubbing the back of his neck, Y/n turned his head to the side. "I bumped into him at the store again, and I..maybe sort have invited him over. for dinner. tomorrow." All 7 demons let out annoyed sighs, Pride butting his way into the conversation. "Dumbass, why the hell did you admit defeat? He probably thinks you're weak. damnit. I'm gonna have to fix this damn mess."

Yeah, living with these demons was a ride and a half. Sighing sadly, Y/n headed over to the couch where lust was reading, leaning against the male demon who sat quietly throughout the conversation. "I still like him, and I knew we had our stupid fight and I was kicked out before I could say anything but.. I dunno. I miss him." Lust shook his head, running his fingers through Y/n's hair in a comforting manner.

"Why worry about him, love? I could give you way more then whatever he could offer, and you know that" Lust smirked proudly to himself, making Y/n roll his eyes. "I get that you guys really don't like Lucifer, but I see a lot in him. His sweet, caring side; his fun, playful side, and his loving and gentle side..he's all that I ever wanted in a partner, really"

Sloth groaned as she rolled onto her side on the other couch across the Livingroom. "Just ignore him," She let out a soft yawn as her eyes remained closed. "And take a nap, naps always make me feel better."

Y/n sighed softly, looking at the floor. "Yeah.."


Y/n anxiously walked back and forth in his room, Pride, Gluttony, and Lust sitting on his bed, trying to calm the panicking male. Pride groaned, standing up, grabbing Y/n by the shoulders. "Dude. Calm down. Things are going to be fine. Show him that you're a fucking boss and that you don't need his bullshit and that you're strong without him." Y/n let out a small whine, Gluttony hopping up, smiling as she sucked on a lollipop. "Pride's right. Just keep eating your food so you don't have to talk to him, and you'll be fine!" Y/n nodded, calming himself down.

An hour passed and a knock was heard at the front door. Y/n finished setting up the preparations, clearing his throat as he shakily opened the front door, greeting the tall, dark skinned male in front of him. "H-hey Lucifer!" The smaller boy mentally cursed to himself for stuttering. Lucifer flashed Y/n a bright smile as he was welcomed in, holding a bottle of very expensive wine.

Leading the other in the dining room, the two were met with the demons (save for sloth), standing around. Lucifer chuckled, looking at the six in front of him. "Interesting, you move away from me to come live with these jer-" Wrath spoke up. "Shut the hell up, Lucifer. Just eat your dinner. fucking ungrateful bastard." Shrugging his shoulders, the devil allowed himself to take a seat, Y/n taking the seat across from the other, anxiously twiddling with his fingers under the table.

Throughout the evening, Lucifer couldn't help but feel angry whenever the demons - especially Lust, got close to Y/n.

By the end of the night, Lucifer was fed up with how things were, and finally admitted to himself that he was jealous. of his own pupil. if you were to call them that. Y/n sighed happily as he walked Lucifer to the door, smiling up at the taller male. "I'm happy we did this, I just wanna put everything behind us." Lucifer nodded in agreement.

"I as well. But, there's something I want to ask you." Y/n nodded softly as he leaned against the wall. "What's up?" Lucifer straightened out his top, looking down at the slightly shorter male. "Will you move back in with me? I'm sorry for what I said, I never meant to kick you out, and in fact, I.. I really like you, Y/n. I have. for a long time."

Before he could reply, Lust immediately swooped in between the males, trying to block Lucifer from Y/n. "Don't touch my boy. He's happy with us." Wrapping himself around Y/n's arms, he tugged lightly. Patting the demon's head in a childish way, Y/n chuckled. "Lust, I love that you guys care for me, but.." Looking up at Lucifer, a smile graced the smaller male's lips. "I wanna go back with him."

After lots of persuading (and some arguing. Pride and Wrath must always get their way.) Lucifer and Y/n had agreed to live in Y/n's place together, it was bigger and there were a few demons that wouldn't accept anything else.

Although still warry of Lucifer, the demons allowed him to spend the night, Lust still trying to but his way into everything, somehow thinking Y/n's affections were to be gained by the strongest male.

Lucifer went along with it, playing with the demon, although he never really minded a challenge.

Living with his least favourite 7 demons was the only downside to this decision, aside from the constant fighting over Y/n that the devil knew was bound to occur. Knowing those 7, they wouldn't give up their human for anything. And Lucifer was ready for that challenge.

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