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Warnings: Language, Slight Blood/Gore


Lucifer strode into the familiar police station, greeting the woman at the front desk with a cheery smile, heading to the stairs to meet up with his partner. Approaching her desk Lucifer hummed. "Good morning, Detective." 

The blonde detective flipped through a folder on her hands as she sat at her desk, paying no mind to the male. "Morning." Lucifer took a seat across the desk from the female. "What's that in your hands? A new exciting case?" Chloe placed the folder in the other's hands as she leaned against her side of the desk. "Sort of. We've got contact with the Mafia Boss, and he's agreed to meet with us to discuss some criminals. Although, of course not without a price." Lucifer scanned the pages inside. "So, we take those in that the boss says, but we don't take the boss in?"

Chloe sighed as she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. "There's nothing we can charge him on without solid evidence. The mafia is tricky to work with, especially as cops." The tan-skinned male placed the folder back on the desk once he was finished with it.

"Do we have a set time for meeting him?" Chloe nodded as she leaned back. "Tonight at 9, the old factory at the docks. Apparently that's one of their operation buildings." The male nodded. "In the meantime, what can I do?" Chole looked over at the male. "Help me with paperwork? Ever since your stupid stunt the other day, I've been in shit and the Captain has given me more paperwork." The devil sighed. "I suppose if I caused the trouble, I should help a little..."

Hours passed and the time came for the Detective and her partner to head to the meeting with the Mafia boss. The two silently got into Chloe's car and headed to the docks. Upon arrival, the duo spotted the door with a rather bulky man standing in front of it.

The two approached the man. The man looked the two up and down, and in a gruff voice spoke out. "Detective Decker and Lucifer Morningstar. Id's please." The two handed the man their Id's individually to which he looked them over and handed them back, opening the large, metal door, allowing the duo to step in.

Once in, Chloe looked around, noticing a few people playing cards, others drinking and/or smoking and others arguing or laughing. Feeling a tap on her arm, Chloe looked over to Lucifer who pointed out a smaller figure. "There's a Child here, that's not legal, is it?" Chloe looked over at Lucifer dumbfounded. 

"The first rule of the Mafia; Do not approach the little girl." Lucifer exchanged glances between the child playing and his work partner. "Why? She's just a kid..." Chloe looked around, to ensure their safety. "She's not just a kid - she's the most powerful kid in the city." 

"Yeah right," He retorted. 

"Seriously, she's the boss' daughter." 

"So?" A little girl really couldn't have that much power, at least the devil himself thought. 

Chloe sighed, annoyed with having to explain everything. "The boss has literally killed for his daughter."

Before Lucifer could reply, a tall man approached the two, he wore a nice white dress shirt, decorated with black slacks, black dress shoes and black suspenders. The man wore white gloves along with the outfit and smiled to himself. "Right you are, Ms. Decker." 

Lucifer eyed the man in front of him. He looked really good. 

The man chuckled before bowing slightly. "How rude, I forgot to introduce myself. My Name is (L/n), My first name isn't all that important. And my daughter of which you spoke of earlier is Hayley. She's my little princess," (L/n) pulled off one of his gloves and held it out for the detectives to shake. "Chloe Decker, and Lucifer Morningstar, Correct?" Chloe nodded and shook the man's hand, to which Lucifer did soon after. 

Chloe stopped Lucifer from saying anything, wanting to handle the speaking herself. "We're here for one thing and I'm sure you know what that is." The Mafia boss nodded as he turned his back and put his glove back on. "Ah, yes of course. I Have your criminals in their own little...cell per se. Follow me."

The two followed (L/n) down a long hall, and turning a corner, they saw an open door with 4 criminals all chained to the walls, beaten and bloodied, barely conscious. Bruises and cuts were scattered around the criminals' bodies as they dry heaved, getting any oxygen to their lungs that they could. 

The boss turned to the detective. "If you need help with transporting them back to the station, my men would have no problem with helping, although I want you to leave your partner here in case you try anything." The aura of the room seemed to darken, Chloe exchanged glances with her partner to which he nodded as a signal to agree. "Alright, deal." She spoke.

(L/n) smiled. "Great!" Pulling out a phone from his pocket, the boss made a quick call to which two mafia members appeared before the trio. The boss smiled. "Great. My men can take all of them if you drive in front and lead the way. They will not enter the building with the criminals but will wait until all are taken in before leaving. Once they come back without any issues, I will allow Mr. Morningstar to get out of here."

Chloe nodded. "Thank you" The two mafia members and Chloe were able to successfully transport the criminals to the van that was supplied for them and Chloe got in her own car to which she led the others.

While waiting for their return, (L/n) invited Lucifer to his office for some drinks to which the devil gladfully accepted. 

Lucifer spoke up as the other male was pouring the drinks. "Your daughter, she's quite special to you, isn't she?" The boss smiled. "She's my everything. Ever since I found out her mother wasn't taking care of her and using the child support for drugs, I brought Hayley to live with me, and she is spoiled beyond belief, I would do anything for her," Handing Lucifer his drink, (L/n) sat across from the male, taking a small sip from his glass. "Do you have any children? Or a significant other perhaps?" 

Lucifer shook his head. "No, I suppose I haven't found the one yet." The two males went on discussing normal everyday things before a knock was heard on the boss' door. "Come in." He spoke up. The boss' right-hand man opened the door. "They've arrived back, the drop off was quick and smooth, It turned out successful."

The boss smiled. "Ah, great! Thank you." The man nodded before turning on his heel and left, closing the door behind himself. "I suppose it's my turn to owe you your freedom," The boss chuckled, To which Lucifer smiled. "It was great meeting with you, Lucifer. I hope I can see you more often now that we're working together." 

Lucifer spoke up. "Likewise." 

(L/n) handed the other male a burner phone. "Call me sometime, It's the only contact on there, but perhaps if you want to grab dinner someday, I'd be happy to." Lucifer took the phone. "Thank you, I will definitely give you a call, (L/n)" The boss shook his head. "Call me (Y/N)."

The devil smiled contently, standing and making his way to the door. "Alright then. Thank you, (Y/n), I hope to see you again. 

And with that, Lucifer left the building.

(Y/n) always knew his little girl was the best, but even acting like a little wing-woman? He totally raised the best of the best.

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