Broken Promises

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Requested by ASoonToBeSkeleton

[Trigger warning - Self Harm, Drug / Alcohol Abuse, And Suicide]


Oh boy. This is an angsty one. Get ready.

Y/n L/n had been in and out of foster homes and different housing units up until he was 18 and could work a full-time job and afford a small home. Ever since his parents had been killed by a masked murderer, the boy had developed major depression and anxiety disorders.

Although unaware of his situation, he still studied hard in school and strived to be the best. He eventually graduated and moved on right to work from there. Getting older, he experienced different 'cravings.' Trying to fulfill these 'cravings' Y/n began to abuse prescription drugs and cut open his skin in the various area across his body.

Many close friends of his began seeing more and more scars littered around his body, and every night he was out at his favourite club, Lux, Drinking until he passed out.

Today, Y/n turned 23, and was, of course, celebrating by himself at the infamous Lux.

A certain devil had grown fond of the young male, becoming friends with him after seeing the male visit his club mostly every evening. Lucifer had learned quite a lot about the young man, feeling pity for him, and wanting to help his friend out in any way. And he knew exactly how.

Lucifer and Y/n's relationship has been growing and they've gotten quite close, so close to where the Devil himself had fallen in love with this human. He didn't know if the other reciprocated his feelings, but the fallen angel wanted the male to know that he was loved and that Lucifer was going to be his strength.


Walking into the Club, a small, sad, smile played on Y/n's lips, knowing that it was going to be another lonely birthday. He threw the hood from his hoodie over his head, trying to shield his tear - stained cheeks and bloodshot eyes.

Taking slow paced steps, the man eventually made his way down the stairs and seated himself at the bar. Y/n was quite the popular face at Lux, and a certain demon knew exactly what he wanted, quickly filling up a small glass of dark orange-red alcohol and handing it across to him.

"Thanks, Maze" he spoke softly, although still audibly to the female across the counter. "You know," she started. "You don't have to be so lonely, especially considering that today is your twenty-third birthday." He grumbled it was going to the same lecture as always.

"What have I told you Maze? I'd rather be alone, it's better that way." She sighed, staring at the hunched over male before shaking her head and moving away to serve some other customers.

"I don't suppose this seat is taken?" Y/n's head shot up, his E/c eyes meeting with the dark brown orbs of the Owner of Lux. "Nah, no one's sitting there.." Lucifer took a seat next to the male, looking him up and down. Y/n was dressed in a dark grey hoodie and ripped skinny jeans that fit his legs perfectly, or so Lucifer thought.

"You're not quite dressed properly, what's the occasion?" Y/n scoffed, turning his head away. "I'm just here to have one last drink before I kick the bucket." A concerned look quickly plastered itself onto the Devil's face. He knew that Y/n had these thoughts, be he never believed the male to actually act upon them. "What do you mean?" Lucifer spoke, concern laced in with his accent.

Y/n let out a sad chuckle. "Isn't it obvious? I plan on killing myself tonight. Duh." Lucifer's eyes widened as he pulled the young man into a tight hug. "Y/n. Please don't. I need you here. I need stay alive, please." Y/n stayed silent as he leans into Lucifer's chest.

"I didn't know when to tell you, or the right way to tell you but, Y/n. I have feelings for you, I...I love you." The young man didn't know how to react as a few tears rolled down his cheeks. Lucifer quickly stood, scooping the younger man into his arms, carrying him bridal style as he made his way to the elevator, not caring about the stares he was receiving.

Once making their way up to Lucifer's penthouse, he placed the male down on the couch as he sat beside him, wrapping an arm around the younger's shoulders. "You don't have to feel the same, and that's alright, but I want you to know that you're loved by me, by Maze, and all of your friends, so please, there are better ways, I will help you to the best of my abilities."

Y/n gulped, more tears flowing freely as he felt guilty. "I-i'm so sorry" he choked out, quickly covering his face. No other words were said as Lucifer sat there and held the young man, rubbing his back soothingly.

"Lucifer.." Y/n spoke softly, sniffling once in a while. "Hm?" he replied quietly. "I..I love you too, and i'm sorry for making you so upset.." The devil felt a weight lift of his shoulders as he leaned down and took the other's chin in his palm, pressing his lips against Y/n's in a deep, passionate kiss.


Y/n had agreed to spend the night at Lucifer's, just to be safe, although he already had other plans. While getting ready for bed, Lucifer spoke, interrupting Y/n's thoughts as he washes his face in the bathroom. "Y/n." The young male replied with a "Mhm?" Lucifer took a deep breath. "Are you willing to make a promise?" Y/n poked his head around the corner, revealing a shirtless Devil leaning against the wall in all his glory.

"Depends...what kind of promise?" Lucifer looked over his shoulder to the younger, making eye contact with him. "Promise me, you'll accept the help of others to help you out of this..situation." Y/n gulped, nibbling on his bottom lip. "Yeah, sure.." The older male felt something off about the other but didn't want to question him.

Climbing into the bed beside the fallen angel, Y/n automatically curled up against the other's chest, smiling softly. Lucifer ran his fingers through the younger's hair as he turned off the night lamp and slowly drifted to sleep.


Y/n woke up around 2 am. 'Perfect' he thought. Crawling out of bed, careful not to wake the other man, he slowly made his way towards the living room, finding a pen and paper, writing a small note.

With the note finished and laid out in a very visible area, Y/n found his hoodie, throwing it on, and heading towards the elevator.

Making his way out of Lux, Y/n was hit with a cold breeze as he began walking towards his desired destination. About twenty minutes later, the young man came up to a large bridge, overlooking one of the busiest highways in L.A, even at 2 am, the highway was bustling with cabs and buses.

He made his way to the edge, climbing on top of it, taking a deep breath before breathing out a weak "Goodbye" as he stepped off the ledge and fell towards the highway.


Lucifer awoke, feeling an empty space beside him. He shot up, calling out for Y/n. No answer came back. He decided to get up and look around for the younger male, to which he still wasn't found.

A small paper caught the attention of the Devil as he slowly made his way towards it.

He unfolded the flaps as his heart shattered with every word he read.

Lucifer, I know I promised you to get help, but I just couldn't do it anymore. I've been hurting for a while, and I need this escape. I'm sorry, but you can easily move on, I want you to move on. I'll be fine, wherever I go, I'll hopefully be with my parents again, so no need to be sad. I love you, Luci. I'll always be there, watching over you. I love you, and always will.

Signed for the last time,


Lucifer's heart shattered as he stood there, the small paper falling out of his hands as he stares at nothing. He did nothing to stop the tears rushing down his cheeks.

He Lost him.

He lost his Y/n.

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