Chapter (21)

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Warning may contain spelling errors due to auto correct...

P.S. May contain Some Drama ;)


<Brandon pov>

"No, I'm not doing it make Jordan do it!"Alex says to me.

"Come on Alex for me I need your help on this!"Alex shakes his head no.

"I am not taking him to the movies or anywhere else for that matter!"I throw my hands up and groan.

"Please just take James out so I can have a nice dinner date with my boyfriend!"Alex groans out of frustration.

"Okay fine I'll take him out but I'm taking Taylor and Zach with me and that's final!"I smile proudly at my little brother.

"Oh that's great thank you so much!"I kiss his forehead.

"Yeah yeah get out of here!"I chuckle and run into the kitchen where Jeremiah is talking to my mom.

"And I was think-"Jer gasps when I wrap my arms around his belly i kiss his cheek.

"You plus me equals date be ready by eight o'clock!"Jer giggles and nods.

"Okay!"I kiss him once more and run to the garage and get in my car heading to the nearest Deli/Grocery store.

"Welcome Alpha Haggard what can I help you with!"Lorena the owner asks.

"Hey,Lorena can I get two lobsters,a side of coleslaw, and some frenchbread please!"Lorena smiles and heads to the back where the lobster are.

"Two of the freshest lobsters in the state be careful of the claws they sure can pinch!"she says showing me her red fingers.

"Haha thanks Lorena see you next week. How much?"she waves her hand around.

"I heard you have a mate so there on the house go ahead and grab a desert I'm sure Jeremiah would love it!"I smile and grab a cherry cheesecake.

"Thanks Lorena your the best!"she smiles and waves me off. I get in my car and head back to the pack house.

Once I'm home I find my mom and Alex's car gone I whip out my phone and text my mom.



Where are you guys?

Five minutes later mom texts me back.



Alex and Zach took Taylor and James out for the day and I took Jeremiah out until 8 o'clock he's showered and everything I took him out so you could set up his date.



God your a life saver I wanna make his date a fabulous one thanks mom love you tell Jer I love him.



I love you too ;) I chuckle and put my phone away and start on the lobster.

(7:15 pm)

After cooking the lobster. I run upstairs to take a shower after my shower I get dressed and head downstairs I grab my phone and text my mom telling her to bring Jer back and she texted back an ok.

&lt;I can't be without him&gt; ×ManxBoy×Where stories live. Discover now