Chapter (9)

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okay guys warning may have spelling errors sorry :(!!!


okay guys drama in dis chapta :) ohhhh ;) lol....

<Jeremiah pov> (A/N: I know its early into the story for drama but its my story so I will do as I please and if you don't like it then stop reading thanks)

<Brandon pov> 2 days later.


"Brandon Shh come on!"I heard a voice call my name, I wake up and slowly walk to the door "Brandon !"the voice says again I slowly open the door not to wake up Jeremiah, I follow the voice outside I wrap my arms around myself from the cold air.

"whose out here?"I ask the unfamiliar voice.

"follow me hurry you must see this!"I follow the voice and what I see makes my eyes water my mate with someone else kissing and holding hands with a litle boy playing with them, I scream"Jeremiah!"He doesn't look at me the unknown man turns around"Brandon? Brandon-?"

I jump awake I look over at my mate who is shaking"Jer!"I grab him and hug him close.

"Oh thank god your still here hmm!"I kiss Jer's neck.

"babe what's the matter?"I look at my mate I sit him on my lap and nuzzle his neck smelling his musky scent it calms me down.

"I had the worst dream ever!"Jer kisses my cheek.

"what was it about!"Jer says playing with my hair.

"I woke up and heard a voice calling my name so I followed it and it lead me outside, then I saw you and you were smiling and playing with a little boy then an unknown man walked up to you and gave you a kiss I yelled your name but its like you couldn't hear me and then the guy turned around and that's when I woke up, please don't leave me!"Jer tsks.

I feel his hands grab my face and make me look up at him"I promise to never Ever leave you, your my soulmate and nobody is taking me from you!"I looked at Jer and saw truth in his eyes but I knew deep down somewhere that their was any alpha that was wronged by my pack would do anything to take my mate and pack but I wont it happen.

"come on lets go wake up our beautiful son and make breakfast!"Jer says standing up and pulling me with him I smile and we walk out of our room to wake up taylor.

"taylor wake up sweety!"Jer says gently shaking him.

"mmmm no papa I don't wanna get up!"he says turning his back on Jer.

I chuckle and pick up taylor he wraps his legs around my waist and arms around my neck"okay little guy!"I walk downstairs Jer following behind.

we reach the kitchen "babe sit with tay and I'll make breakfast!"Jer says kissing my cheek.

still holding taylor I sit on a chair and sit him across my lap"come on bud get up!"tay shakes his head no and snuggles into me more I smile and kiss the top of his head.

"okay fine then I guess tay doesn't want any chocolate chip pancakes?"Jer yells coming in the kitchen Taylor instantly sits up.

"I do daddy I do!"Jer giggles and hands taylor a plate as soon as the plates down taylor digs right in.

Jer hands me a plate next"slow down tay honey!"Jer says, sitting down and digging into his own plate.

"oaf tway dwaddy!"taylor says with a mouth full of food.

&lt;I can't be without him&gt; ×ManxBoy×Where stories live. Discover now