Chapter (8)

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Hey another chapter :)

<Jeremiah pov> 3 days later (Yay finally again)...

"That's it jer your going to the hospital now!"I shake my head no.

"baby im fine im just getting sick its okay!"I say coughing.

I've been coughing and throwing up for the past three days and Brandon wants me to go to the doctor but I already know its a cold I already went to the pack doctor Mr.Monroe and he said it was just a cold nothing serious.

"your not okay, lets go!"bran says grabbing for me I get off the bed and move to the wall.

"I already talked to doctor Monroe he says its just a cold!"bran crosses his arms and grunts.

"Fine-" Ding Dong ahaha saved by the bell I run around Brandon and go for the door I yelp when im being picked up by the waist and thrown over his shoulder.

"let me down you asshat!"bran just laughs at me and smacks my butt I yelp as he opens the door I hear him growl.

"what do YOU want?"a familiar voice I notice.

"I have to tutor your mate duh?"yay Peter's here.

"yes come on Pete bran put me down please!"he growls again which makes me roll my eyes and hit his chest.

"oh be quiet go do something!"he Huffs kisses me (hard which I may add) and walks out of the living room I hear his clothes tear meaning his wolf is out and pissed that Peter's here.

"what's his problem?"Peter asks from behind me I turn around and roll my eyes.

"he's in one of his moods lets go study!"he smiles and follows me into the lounge we sit down and get to work.


okay so technically Peter and I did nothing he kept making fun of me and I kept laughing at what he was saying.

"So, I fell and scraped my knees skateboarding it was the most painful thing ever it sucked!"I giggle.

"oh yeah well one time I was in my grandparents tree house and broke both my arms I had to be in a cast that covered half my waist and arms for five weeks to heal!"he bursts out laughing.

"okay yours tops mine!"we both laugh and then interrupted by a throat clearing I look up and find Zach and Alex Jr. looking at us weirdly. (a/n: Yay Zach's back and Alex)

"What's so funny?"I smile and look at Zach.

"I was telling Peter about the time I fell out of my grandparents tree house and broke both my arms!"Zach chuckles.

"oh man classic he looked so funny in that cast!"I roll my eyes.

"ha ha ha funny!"he smiles as Alex chuckles and they look at each other and nod.

"okay um Jer Alex and I have Something to say!"I smile and nod.

"were... pregnant!"my mouth hangs open.

"ahhhh!"I squeal and jump and hug my best friend and Alex.

"oh my god that's wonderful news but wait your a guy how can you get pregnant?"he laughs.

"No, im not pregnant we have a serrogate to carry our baby she's this really nice girl her name is uh Red [a/n: Red? The name ring any bells in ur head ;)?] (Hint Hint).

"Red hmm sounds weird for a girls name!"o hear a light growl I look at Peter and he looks at me and smiles 'weird' I thought to myself I just smile back and turn around.

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