Chapter Ninety-One | Third World

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Replaying the last thing Andrei said to him, it then made sense why it sounded like a goodbye. Because that's exactly what it was. But as a man who was multiple steps ahead, Andrei likely knew it wouldn't be the last time they saw one another. He just didn't wish to put in the unnecessary force to keep out the inevitable.

Hansel hadn't been out of his dimension long; he was trying to get some sleep on the most uncomfortable bed of springs. He had already decided not to sleep within the pocket dimension, even though it was tempting, because he could lose track of time but also it was more convenient to waste it in the real world. Other than Andrei's visit, from what Hansel could gather, that only happened once a day, there wasn't much else to keep himself preoccupied.

Instead, he opted to focus his attention on his secondary abilities. Unlike his Psychometry, which left him drained, popping in and out of his little cheat world didn't put any strain on him either physically or mentally. And any aches and pains he had in the real world, didn't carry over. The clean air did the job that countless pain relief did.

His time in the real world, in a dark room with the occasional visitor, left him nothing to do other than to think about many things. It was easy for his thoughts to turn bleak, but he was quick to snap back from them. It was after one of those episodes when he perked up at the sound of quick-moving feet in the hallway. In the debatable amount of time he'd been locked up, Hansel had come to identify the people around him by their footsteps. Andrei's were always slow and somewhat drawn out. A cocky man who probably believed he was gracing others with his wisdom.

But the movements were unfamiliar to Hansel, as he sat up in the bed and leaned his back against the nearby wall. He faced the door and waited. Next door to his own cell, he heard the door being forced open. It hit the wall and vibrated the metal. Murmured, indistinct voices was all Hansel could hear but eventually there came a hit on his own door.

Taps came as whoever it was was feeling for the weaknesses. He wasn't panicked, he'd already landed himself in the clutches of those who were considered the antagonist's hands. But his curiosity was piqued when a faint cracking sound grew up the side of the door. Vapour appeared from within the tiny gap between the door and the ground. Eventually there came an unmistakable sound of groaning metal.

That's when Hansel retreated, bracing for the clamorous sound. But other than a quick and sharp echo of metal scraping against metal, there was nothing else. Three breaths later, the means of his escape collapsed from its hinges and hit the ground. Along with it, the sound alike glass breaking made Hansel wince. Although Andrei had been generous enough that he wasn't kept in complete isolation, Hansel felt a smidgen weaker than average. This came from being suddenly unstimulated after ordinarily spending his days endlessly running about either at the hospital, or being ruthlessly trained by the soldiers.

The familiar issued combat boots were the first clear detail Hansel spotted. Followed then by the tall figure of the Commander himself. Unlike Hansel, whose eyes had adapted to the lack of light, Niklas looked from left to right with struggling vision. Eventually though, they landed on Hansel who had moved to the edge of the bed. For a cliche moment, they stared dumbfounded at one another. Then as if someone had released a vice-like hold on their throats, they both quietly sighed to themselves.

"Target found!" Niklas called and there came a quick padding of feet. They moved towards Hansel, bare hands at the ready, and the target shot backwards.

"Don't touch me!" He unintentionally snapped and those who were ready to help him, froze. Evidently not expecting to be screeched at, they quickly turned to their superior with lost expressions. Hansel felt guilty and cleared his throat as he stood up on his own.

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