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Louis' mind was swirling. He knew he shouldn't have said yes to having Harry ask him questions, but he knew if he would have yelled at Harry and said no, the rest of the boys would already be here, questioning him all at once. Louis took a deep breath. He got up off the floor and crawled back into Harry's bed. Harry returned, a notebook pad in his hand. Louis' heart fluttered. He knew exactly what Harry was going to do. It'd be like an interview. He would question Louis, Louis would be forced to answer, and Harry would write them down so he could keep track of everything Louis would tell him. That was one of the things Harry had that Louis didn't, and that was the ability to be super organized. Louis had been jealous of Harry's organized manner since day 1.

"Okay Louis, just some questions." Harry started off. He tapped his pencil against his thigh. He all of a sudden turned his face so his green eyes looked right into Louis' eyes. "I want you to answer truthfully, okay?" Louis gulped. He wish he wouldn't have trusted Harry. "Okay." He whispered. "Okay. To start off with Louis, can you explain to me how your eating patterns work?" Harry said it with fear in his voice. Louis twitched angrily. "Really Harry? This a fucking deep question! How did we go from a fucking coffee shop to a movie to this?" Louis said the words without even thinking. His words seemed to have hurt Harry in a way, for a sad frown appeared on his face. All of a sudden, Harry must have remembered to keep his cool and he got his serious face back on. "Answer my question or I'll call the boys." Louis started to feel a lump form in his throat. "You can't just threaten me like this Harry!" "I'm doing it to HELP you Lou, you have to trust me. I care about your health and well being." Louis' lip quivered with rage. "I don't need help with anything! I'm fine Harry. Fuck, I'm finer than ever." Harry didn't seem like he was going to give up though. He picked up his cell phone and started dialing a number. "NO!" Louis yelled and he jumped to grab Harry's phone. Harry easily held the phone out of reach though. "I'll answer Harry, just please don't call the boys." Harry set the phone down with ease. He seemed to be waiting for the answer he was looking for. "But I'm confused. What do you mean eating patterns?" "Like, how often do you eat a week and when you do what happens afterwards and stuff like that." Louis took a deep breath. He couldn't give it all away, not so fast. He knew he had to lie. He knew exactly how to. "I eat whenever there is time. If there is no time, there is no time to eat. After I eat, that's all. I eat it. Done. I swear." Harry didn't seem to believe Louis at all, but he nodded and added a "okay." with it as well. Both Louis and Harry knew Louis was lying, but neither of them said anymore about it. "Next question. Louis, when did this start?" Louis scrunched his eyebrows together tightly. He didn't understand what Harry meant. He assumed he meant when did the purging start. Louis searched his brain, but once he found the answer, he whispered it silently and sadly. "Ever since you left me alone and I had to pretend to go out with Eleanor." Louis could feel Harry's pain. He could feel Harry's heart aching with pain and memories. It made Louis sick to his stomach to think about it. Harry cleared his throat. "Alright, question 3. Do you know how dangerous being anorexic can be?" Louis felt his eyes burn hot with anger. He also knew to stay calm and act like an adult. "No, I'm not anorexic. But I do know for those out there who do have it, it's very scary and life-threatning." It took Harry a few minutes to finish writing the statement in his notebook. He sighed. "Last question." He breathed. "Why did you start?" Louis was upset. He felt a mixture of emotions flood though his blood and pump into his heart. He glanced at Harry, and he knew he should answer this one truthfully. He tried to calm himself by slightly tickling his arm. He was petrified. He finally managed to speak. "I saw something on a social media website." Harry seemed somewhat suprised. Harry was silent for a few moments. He finally said something. "Grab that laptop over there and hand it to me." He hissed. Louis reached over and managed to just barely grab the laptop and hand it to Harry. Harry pulled up the screen and began typing. "What website was it?" "Tumblr." Louis said without thinking. Harry nodded. "Name of the blog post?" Harry asked a few moments later. "Louis Tomlinson hate page. It's by soccergurlz1996 I believe." Harry typed rapidly, and a few moments later, the screen lit up something new. Harry's normal, brick face turned white and into a afraid, sad, and shocked look. "He must be reading the awful ones people still say about me." Louis thought. Minutes later though Louis watched as Harry's face dragged into a frown. It was like that a while. Louis began to worry. "What's wrong?" Louis demanded. Harry was still too shocked to answer. Louis repeated the question multiple times. Finally, Harry replied. "These hate posts stopped so long ago Louis. Now, all people on here talk about is how skinny you are and how they pray you get better. Some of them killed themselves because they felt so bad. I'm so sorry this happened Louis." Louis was in utter shock. He didn't know what to do, so he broke down crying. He felt the tears stream down his face like a flowing river. Then, Harry's phone rang. Harry picked it up with no hesitation. Louis watched as Harry nodded his head a few times, then hung up the phone. Harry tuned to Louis. "It's management. They want us to leave to get to the stadium so we can start to prepare for tonight's show." Louis' stomach dropped. He had forgotten about the concert. "I can do this." Louis' good thoughts told him.

"I can't." Said his bad thoughts. 


Hi everyone! Yay another chapter done! I'm so thankful for this Wattpad app lmao. But anyways chapter 8 will be up soon and btw sorry for how scattered this has been its going to lead to something good so don't worry. K bye guys love you all and thanks!

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