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Louis knew he was fucked. He knew he just blew everything. Tears were streaming down his face. He smelled of puke and his mouth was dripping a mixture of stomach acid and saliva. He wiped it with the corner of his shirt, not caring if he got it gross, for all it had was puke on it anyways. Louis looked up at Harry, who seemed to still be in complete shock. Harry finally lurched forward and yanked the blanket off of Louis' shivering body. "I should probably go wash this." Harry said rapidly before dashing down the hall. Louis' stomach groaned. "Now is not the time." Louis thought angrily as he dug his dull fingernails into his stomach. Harry was back before Louis could even think straight. In his two hands were a new blanket and a sweatshirt that must have been his. "Here's a new blanket. And here you can put this on while I wash your other shirt." Harry was starting to tug at the shirt Louis was wearing. Louis protested in alarm and rose to his feet as quick as he could. "I'll change in the bathroom." Louis panicked. He raced to the nearest room he could find, not even sure it was a bathroom, and slammed the door. He qucikly tore his shirt off his body and tossed on Harry's sweatshirt. He sprinted back out and jumped on the couch. He looked up at Harry when he realized it was silent. Once again, Harry looked mortified. Louis didn't want to know why, he just didn't care. He quickly turned to his side and dozed off into a sleep that seemed to last forever.

Louis was awoken to the feeling of Harry's fingers against his skin, tapping his shoulder to awake him. Louis sleepily looked up to see Harry looking down at him. Harry didn't look like himself: a curly haired, green eyed god. He looked like hell. He was crying, hard, so hard Louis was cringing. When he touched Louis he stumbled backwards. Louis watched in horror, confused. He had just woke up. What could he have possibly missed? Harry finally regained balance, and sat across from Louis on the couch. He just sat there, sniffling, examining Louis. Louis started to feel uncomfortable. Finally, Harry broke the silence. "Louis, you have a lot of explaining to do." That is what Harry had managed to choke out before going into tons of sobs. Louis was scared out of his mind. "What are you talking about?" Louis questioned. Harry wouldn't stop crying. Louis was so sad and lost. He just wanted a explanation. He tilted his head to one side, waiting for Harry's answer. Then, Harry took a huge gulp of air and released his next statement. "Well, lets start off with the fact you have been sleeping 3 days straight. That's not normal, that's practically like being in a comma. I was going to bring you to the hospital if you hadn't woken up by tonight. Next, you threw up Louis, you threw up so randomly, it scared me. But, those two things didn't scare me most of all." Louis was shaking super hard, scared for what Harry was going to say next. Harry was still choking between sobs. Harry then said the next few words so quietly and quickly that it took Louis a few momemnts to piece together. "I'm starting to get the impression that you have an eating disorder." Louis immediantly was sent into a burst of rage and tears. It took Louis a few minutes to recover. "Harry, you can't just barge into my life like this. We just started hanging out again. What makes you think that I have a fucking eat disorder?" Louis spat the few words out like it was poison in his mouth. Harry was shocked by Louis' feisty attitude. Then, Harry shocked Louis as well. Harry Styles, sweet, cupcake like, curly, smiley, Harry Styles, got extremely close to Louis and narrowed his eyes. "Don't think you can play dumb with me. Maybe you can fool Liam, Zayn, and Niall, but you can't fool me. You have an eating disorder. You are fucking cold all the time, so cold that when I touched you, I had to pull away because it was like sticking my hand in freezing ice water. That sweatshirt of mine you are wearing is the smallest one I have and it doesn't even fit me anymore, but you could at least fit 10 of you in there. You're vomiting for no reason, so I know something is wrong. Louis, face it, you have an eating disorder and I'm sorry I just don't know what to do." Harry's long statment cut into Louis like knives. Angry and upset, Louis got up off the couch and with a scream of rage, ran towards the door. He started by walking, but broke into a dashing sprint. What he didn't realize was that Harry was coming after him. All of a sudden, everything was blacking out so fast. Louis knew he was about to faint. He stopped dead in his tracks but he wasn't quick enough. He fell down and blacked out immediantly.

Louis woke up, alarmed to find himself still in Harry's flat, this time in Harry's bed. Louis sat up and glanced around, just to find Harry dashing into the room, a worried look on his face. Harry obviously had a lot he wanted to say. "You were out for 4 days this time. I don't know why I didn't bring you to the hospital. I tried, but management said no. Shouldn't have listened to those assholes. Anyways, Louis, you blacked out because you tried to run on no fuel. You are lucky you woke up. I'm lucky you woke up. I thought you were dead. But Louis, I need to see your body. I need to know you're okay. I need to know the eating disorder didn't destroy you too much." Louis' head was spinning. This was all too much to handle. Louis felt tears burn in his eyes. "I can't let you see. I just can't." Harry's eyes shone with sadness. "Why?" Louis was loosing his temper. "You know fucking why." Louis mumbled. Harry looked somewhat hurt, but Louis could see in his eyes, he understood. He sighed. "Louis, I know. This is our first time hanging out together again in like, awhile. I'm sorry thing got so out of hand. I know it is so sudden to be accusing of you of having an eating disorder, and so sudden to have you trust me again. But Louis, even though we never hang out anymore, I feel as if I still know you as the same person 3 years ago. I feel like we never had management ruin this. So please, Louis, you are hurt right now, and I need to make sure you are okay. Can I please help you? Can you please let me do that?" Louis couldn't believe the words he had just heard. He was sure his mouth was hanging wide open and he was twitching. It was so much to take in. But what really made Louis' heart race is the fact Harry still had feelings for Louis. All his happiness, acting as if they were never a thing, was all fake.

Harry still loved Louis.

Louis still loved Harry.

Louis knew he had to trust Harry now. He was starting to regret the choice he was about to make, but he needed to be able to trust Harry, who could help him through his obstacles. "Okay Harry, I'll let you look. I just, I just don't want you to make fun of my fatness and I my body might disgust you and..." "Louis, that is the biggest load of bullshit I have ever heard. You are no where NEAR fat, trust me. Just let me look." Louis was terrified. Slowly, he rose to his feet, struggling to get up. He slowly started to remove the sweatshirt, his hands shaking. Then, with one swift movement, he tugged it up and over his head. He then faced his body towards Harry, then bowed his head in shame and turned away so he wouldn't see Harry's reaction to his fat body. Louis did not see Harry's reaction, but he did hear it. It was some sort of mortified choking crying noise. "Louis you were right. You aren't okay."


Hi everyone! Sorry it took so long to put this chapter up, I'm just getting really busy. I am really sorry :( Don't worry, chapter 6 will be up as quick as I can type it Have a good week!

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