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Louis Couldn't remember the last time he had hung out with Harry alone. He couldn't remember the last time him and Harry had a full normal conversation alone. He couldn't remember the last time the two of them laughed together, had good times together. It was all one big blur. That's why Louis was in such shock when Harry asked him yesterday to hang out today. Louis was having mixed emotions over the whole spiel. Part of him was super happy because this was his chance to be close to Harry again. Another part of him didn't want to forgive Harry after that awful day happened. Another part of him was terrified because they were going to the movies. That's where food was. Everyone knew that when you go to a movie you are supposed to get food, epecially popcorn. That scared Louis. He was going to have to find some way to not eat the popcorn. Louis knew he had more weight to loose, he knew he was still fat. That's what Louis saw though. That wasn't the truth.

Louis was about to leave the flat, wearing a stone roses t shirt, baggy jeans, and converse. He had made himself look as neat as possible, just to impress Harry. As he started to walk out, he suddenly became very dizzy and was tripping all over. He fell over and just laid there, and got up a few seconds later, deciding he would ignore it and pretend that it was gone, when it really wasn't. Louis was completely oblivious to the fact this was a side effect of never eating. Louis didn't care though, as he made his best effort to casually stroll out, still extremely light headed.

As Louis walked into the theater, the first thing he saw was Harry. Harry stood there, with a big grin on his face. He wore a black shirt and head band that matched the tattoos that were inked on his arms. Louis walked slowly over to him, trying to focus on walking straight. "I'm so excited for this movie!" That was the first thing Harry said. Louis tried to cheer up a little bit. "Me too." He said, managing a little smile. The truth was that Louis had no idea what movie they were seeing, but Louis really didn't care. What Louis cared about was the fact he was with Harry, and he was going to make the best of it. "How about we get some popcorn!" Harry said, still grinning ear to ear. Louis' stomach churned. "You're fucked." Said Louis' conscious. "Yeah, let's get some." Louis said quietly. Louis thought not eating the popcorn was going to be easy, thought it was going to be as easy as it was with other foods, until the smell of salty buttered popcorn hit his nose. Louis' stomach moaned, trying to get his attention, but Louis did his best to ignore it as they walked their way to the theater. As quickly as they sat down, the movie started. Louis didn't really watch the movie. He watched Harry's every move. "Whoever gets him is going to be the luckiest person alive." Louis thought sadly, knowing it wasn't going to be him. But, Louis couldn't take his eyes off the popcorn, the bag of it situated right between the two of them. Louis didn't want to eat it, he really didn't, but his head was spinning, his stomach was writhing, his whole body was shaking. Everything happened so fast: Louis taking one bite, realizing how incredible it was, then before he knew it, he was shoving handfuls into his mouth. Louis could hear Harry telling him to slow down, but Louis blocked out his voice. All of a sudden, Louis stopped, and he sat there, totally mortified.

You just ate the whole bag.

You just binged on that popcorn.

Louis wanted to scream, but he knew he couldn't. He knew what he had to do.

Without any warning, Louis dashed out of the movie theater, knowing he was fucked, knowing if he let any of this digest he was going to be even a bigger fatter slob.

Louis didn't even care if Harry was following him. He sprinted to the bathroom, and when he got there, quickly locked the door. Getting on his knees, he stuck two fingers down his throat.


Hi everyone! Yes, I know this chapter was short, but I have exciting news!

I'm going to start switching between Harry's POV and Louis' POV so it is more interesting!

So next chapter is in Harry's POV!

Okay that's all

Bye everyone!

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