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Everything around me was sort of dark, so I just kept walking. I looked up and saw stars align the sky, the only thing giving off light. I just kept walking, a frown plastered to my face. "This must be heaven," I said. I kept walking because I was unsure on what I should do. But then, I saw something. It was a shadow that was dark enough to be seen in the darkness. I breathed slowly, and walked toward it. As I did, the shadow began to become brighter and brighter. That's when I saw him.

Louis. He still looked the exact same. He was standing there, a grin on his face. His familiar blue eyes shone with great happiness. He was still the very thin Louis I had last seen, but to see him this happy, was rare yet incredible. I ran up and hugged him so hard I thought I might squeeze him to death, again. But I didn't.

"I love you Louis."

"I love you too, Harry."

Tears of bittersweetness rolled down my cheeks.

After hugging him for what seemed like forever, he held my hand and we strolled away hand in hand towards the utter darkness.

It's over and now I'm sad :(
But hey! I'm going to start a new fanfiction so check that out
K bye <3

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