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It was February, and I was finally free. I couldn't wait to return home to Doncaster and finally relax. I knew I missed a lot. The on the road again tour was going to start soon. We had a month or so of break before it started, So all five of us could just relax.

I had my mom pick me up. She was beyond delighted to see me. I looked normal and happy and healthy again. "Everyone is so glad you are back!" My mom exclaimed. She said similar things every few minutes, but other than that, it was pretty quiet. After continuous driving, we were finally at a house. I was guessing it was the house In which my sisters, brother, mom, and step dad lived. I hadn't been there before. As we entered the house, I was greeted by my sisters. My mom led me upstairs into a room. I entered and I smile spread across my face. The room was decorated just like my old room when I was younger. It was so bright and nice, I immediately hugged my mom. She laughed, pleased I was home.

I wouldn't be for long though.

My mom brought me to bed as if I was seven years old again. As I crawled into the bed, a huge clap of thunder sounded outside, making me jump with terror. I had always had a fear of thunder for some reason. My mom laughed and kissed me temple. I relaxed and she told me goodnight and turned out my lights. I tossed and turned for hours, thinking if I should go through with the plan I had thought up in my head.

I finally made up my mind that I would.

It was 2:30 am. I had my bag already ready. I walked to the window in the room. I unlatched the window and hoisted it up. The night cold air welcomed me with a breeze. I examined the outside world, which was pitch black. Everything looked pixelated from the way the screen door was built. I popped out the screen door and climbed out. I almost hurt myself, but I regained balance. I trotted up to my old car, which was parked in the driveway. I hopped in and immediately started to drive. I let the route guidance guide me in which direction I wanted to go.

I drove a few hours. It was pouring rain and it was so late my eyes hurt from trying to stay awake, but I managed. When I finally made it there, I went searching through my bag I had, and found the old rusty keys I needed. I twisted the lock into the key knob and busted the door open. I walked into my flat. Yep, that same flat I used to share with Harry. I was in that flat right now. I set down my bags. Then, not hesitating, I dashed to the bathroom. I didn't even bother to look at my body this time, I just hastily stuck my two fingers down my throat and stroked. It was working. I was purging everything I had today. I made sure to dig deep. It was working.

Truth was, I never really got better. They just thought that.

I laughed hysterically to myself as I purged out everything. It felt so good, so right. I needed it so much right now, so much.

I was an astute person. This trait helped me a lot. What I had done was I had pretended to be better. I listened and I watched. I participated in group therapy. I ate so they would think I was better. Then, as soon as they released me, I would be able to go back to the way things were. The way things should be. The way I wanted things to be.

I went until I had no energy. When I was done, I brushed my teeth and climbed into bed. I didn't have to think of an explanation to tell my mom about why I wasn't in that room in that house still. I just left a note:

Dear mum,

If you are reading this, you have probably already noticed I'm gone. I got a text message from management wanting to have a meeting with me tomorrow in London. Don't worry, I'm safe right now in my flat in London. No worries about me.

~Louis :)

It was a stupid thought up excuse, but what choice did I have? I was about to fall asleep when my phone which I had set down on my nightstand ringed. I looked to see an actual, authentic text message from management. Of course they didn't want to speak to me, but they wanted to rent out a bar and throw a big party at it next month in London in honor of one direction. It took me a minute to realize it was a group message with the four other boys in it. They all agreed, except Harry. I shrugged. I decided to agree. A few seconds later after me, Harry agreed. I raised an eyebrow. "Maybe it was a coincidence." I thought quietly. I needed sleep. I couldn't even keep my eyes open, and it was 5:00 in the morning. I scolded to myself, for it would be light outside soon again. But, as soon as I closed me eyes, I fell asleep. But, in the second I had to think, this occurred to me:

Harry hadn't mailed me like the other boys. He hadn't tried to contact me like the other boys. He didn't even call or talk to me once. He didn't even come to see me when I got home to England.

My heart throbbed.

What had I done?

Oh hey look a short chapter.
Hi guys. Sorry a short chapter but im tired and should be sleeping right now but I love updating for you guys!

Today ready to run came out and no control and where do broken hearts go were leaked! What a great time to be alive!

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy your weekend! Chapter 14 should be up soon!


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