Chapter 34

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***Albus's POV***

It's been three weeks. Three agonizing weeks of trying to figure out who kidnapped Scorpius to no avail. Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy got a letter last week demanding they release someone from Azkaban in exchange for Scorpius and they wanted to but the Ministry wouldn't allow it. They had gone through their list of suspects and none of them checked out. They were out of suspects and out of options.

I felt utterly useless. I spent most of my time at the Malfoys' but I was home now. There was nothing for me to do there anymore. I was sitting on the couch, trying to think of anything that happened the last year that could give me any clue as to who could be doing this. Maybe it wasn't someone in Slytherin like we had thought. There had to be something that we were missing. I had been there when he was kidnapped. If only there was a way to look in on those memories from an outside perspective...

I jumped to my feet and ran into my dad's study. He was hunched over a pile of papers and looked up when I walked in.

"Hey, Al," he said. "What—"

"Please tell me you have another Time-Turner," I cut him off.

He furrowed his brow. "I only had the one that you took. All the others were destroyed."

"Were they all destroyed, though? There's got to be another one out there."

"Well, the Diggorys supposedly had one but when we went to confiscate it, we couldn't find it—"

I was out the door before he could finish. "Thanks!"

***Scorp's POV***

"You can't possibly be serious! You're mental," I said, staring at Cath's mum like she had grown two heads.

"It's either this or the alternative. Wouldn't you like to go home?" She asked.

"Even disguised at my dad, no one is going to let me take a prisoner out of Azkaban."

"They've been investigating your disappearance for weeks and have talked to multiple prisoners. Talking to my husband won't be a surprise to anyone."

"And if I refuse? I don't have any reason to believe that you'll let me go after I do this."

She sighed. "Cath has been spending a lot of time with your family. She has access to everyone you care about. All I have to do is say the word and she'll kill anyone I tell her to."

"She'll be sent to Azkaban—"

"If she gets caught. I reckon' she can kill at least three of your loved ones before anyone catches on. Are you willing to risk them?"

I swallowed. "Fine. I'll do it. If you swear that after I do this, you leave my loved ones alone for good."

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