Chapter 13

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Scorp's POV

When I woke up there were two things that I noticed: I was in Albus's arms and there was breakfast on my nightstand. If I didn't feel as though all my bones were broken then I would have panicked because I had come out to my parents on accident. Instead, I buried myself further into Al's arms and fell back asleep, too tired to figure out what I was going to tell my parents.

Albus's POV

I have only woken up in Scorpius's arms a few times before but it has yet to cease warming my heart and putting a smile on my face. I tightened my grip on his waist when I noticed the food on his nightstand. My heart sunk and panic clawed at my throat. Shit, I had practically screamed Scorp's and my relationship to his parents! This wasn't supposed to happen now, Scorp should have been able to tell his parents when he was ready and on his own terms.

I must have started shuffling in bed because I heard Scorp groan and tightened his grip on me.

"Al, for the love of Merlin, stop squirming." He mumbled, his breath tickling my neck.

"I'm sorry but I should tell you—"

"That my parents brought me breakfast when we were asleep and now, they know or at least have a suspicion that we're more than friends. It's fine, just go back to bed."

"You're not worried?" I asked, shocked and relieved at the same time.

"I'm too tired to worry. I was going to tell over break anyway."

"But, Scorp—"

"Shh," Scorp leaned up and pressed his lips against mine. "I need at least three more hours of sleep and then we'll talk, okay?"

I nodded and smiled. "Okay."

Scorp rested his face in the crock of my neck before promptly falling back asleep. I rested my head on top of his and kissed his hairline.

"I love you, Scorpius Malfoy," I whispered, tracing the lines of his back under his tank-top.

Scorp's POV

I knew I shouldn't have got out of bed. After I had obtained my much needed three extra hours of sleep, Al and I ate the breakfast my parents had left but were still hungry afterward. It was almost five in the evening and I figured my parents would be working or something. Even though it was Saturday, my parents always seemed to have something going on during the weekends. No such luck. When I walked down to the common area my parents were in the kitchen, whispering amongst themselves. I turned to creep back upstairs but Lucy spotted me from the couch and ran up to me.

"Scorp!" She yelled, wrapped her arms around my legs.

"Hey, Luc" I said, crouching down to give her a hug.

"Daddy says that you came home because you're a wolf now. Does that mean you get to stay home all the time?"

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