Chapter 12

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Albus's POV

"Concentrate, Mr. Potter" McGonagall advised.

I was. I had for the last few hours. But there wasn't time for failure. I had to get this tonight. For Scorpius. So, I closed my eyes and focused. My body tensed and I fell to the ground as I felt my bones shift. I yelped but pushed through, allowing the change to overtake me.

"Well done."

I looked up at the headmistress who seemed to have gotten taller and caught my reflection in the mirror beside her. My green eyes were staring back at me but they were on the body of a panther. I took cautionary steps around the room, stumbling a few times before gaining more of a rhythm. I ran and pounced around the room, quickly getting used to my new body.

"Here," McGonagall placed the extra clothes I had brought on the table. "I'll give you some privacy."

She walked over to the door that led to her chambers and I changed back when I heard the door shut. I quickly threw on my clothes and knocked on her door when I was finished.

"Thank you for your help, professor."

McGonagall smiled. "You're welcome, Mr. Potter. Whenever you are ready, you are welcome to use the floo powder fireplace."

I nodded. "Okay, thanks."

I turned to leave when she spoke up again.

"One more thing," she said and I looked at her. "Mr. Malfoy is lucky to have you."

I blushed and awkwardly looked away. "He'd do the same thing for me."

"I'm sure he would. Good luck, Albus."

"Thank you," I said before walking over to the fireplace.

I grabbed a handful of floo powder and declared my destination before throwing the floo powder down at my feet. Then I fell on my arse in the Malfoys' fireplace. I coughed the coal dust out of my throat and stumbled to my feet. Draco was standing in front of the fireplace, his wand out and pointed at me.

"Albus?" Draco lowered his wand. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see Scorpius. Where is he? Am I too late?"

"They're outside, but, Al—"

I was out the back door before he could finish. They lived on a large estate that backed up against a forest. He had to be there, far in to avoid any people nearby. I started running, hoping I wasn't too late.

"Scorpius!" I yelled, crashing through the trees.

I kept yelling as I ran, stumbling on the uneven ground but never falling. I didn't have time to fall.

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