Chapter 15

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The week leading up to Christmas Break was uneventful. Though, due to the stress of my first change, I had nearly forgotten to get Albus a gift. Since we weren't going to see each other on Christmas we decided that we were going to have our own little Christmas and exchange presents the afternoon before we left for break.

Finding a present for Albus was the most stressful thing I've ever had to do and it was only made worse by the fact that I had procrastinated. He was hard enough to shop for when we were friends but the fact that we were boyfriends now, just added a lot more pressure. Albus was notorious for giving the best gifts, he always knew what I wanted before I even knew. He was thoughtful and sweet and I wanted to get him the perfect gift to show him how much I appreciated him and loved him. How to do that, I wasn't sure yet.

I talked with my friends and begged for ideas but what they suggested were too mundane. I needed something more, but what, I didn't know. It couldn't be something that I bought in a store. Though at this point, I was running out of time to even do that.

This was all I could think about as I sat in History of Magic as the professor droned on and on. This was my last class of the day as well as the last day I could figure out what to get Albus. I was staring aimlessly at the corner of the board when a note landed on my desk. The professor had his back turned to point at the board so I quickly picked up the note and opened it under my desk. It was from Albus.

You look as bored as I feel. Just think, last class and then we're out of here and I've got something that I've been wanting to show you.

I smiled and turned to look at Albus who winked at me. After that, the class went even longer because I kept thinking about what Al wanted to show me. Finally, class got out and I practically bolted from my seat. Al was waiting for me outside the classroom and I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers.

"Hey," I smiled as Albus gave me a quick kiss.

"Hey," he said, pulling me down the corridor.

"So, what was it you wanted to show me?"

"It's a surprise."

I groaned but couldn't help the grin creeping onto my face. When he pulled me into a broom closet, though, I was confused.

"Al—" He kissed me before I could finish my sentence.

He pushed me up against the wall and I ran my fingers through his hair. I could never turn down a kiss from him. When he pulled away, he had a grin on his face.

"Not that I'm not enjoying it, but kissing you in a closet is hardly a surprise," I said which made him laugh.

"That's not the surprise." He pulled out a blank parchment and I raised an eyebrow. "Hold on," he said and put his wand onto of the parchment. "I solemnly swear I am up to no good."

Slowly words started forming on the paper and he opened it to reveal a map.

"Wicked," I murmured.

"It's a map of Hogwarts that my grandfather and his mates made. Dad gave it to James his first year and I nipped it last week."

I looked closer and could see the names of people milling around.

"I tried to find the Room of Requirement but it wasn't on here. I thought it would make for a good spot for our Christmas date." Albus said. "I've heard that it's on the seventh floor. We could go check it out..."

An idea for the perfect gift suddenly came to mind and I grinned. "I would love to, but there's something that I've got to do." Albus looked like he was going to ask but I kissed him before he could respond. "I'll see you at dinner."


It took me the rest of the day, but I was able to make Al's gift and I couldn't wait for him to open it tomorrow. I had skipped dinner to get it finished and I was just finishing wrapping it when Albus walked into our room. I quickly hid it under my pillow and stood up from my bed.

"Hey," I grinned, giving him a quick kiss.

"You weren't at dinner," he pointed out, sitting down on my bed.

"I wasn't," I said, taking a seat to block my pillow from his view, "but I had a good reason. Which you will see tomorrow."

Albus raised an eyebrow and his eyes flickered to my pillow. "Will I now?"

"Yes," I said, pulling him towards his bed and away from the present. "How was dinner?"

"It was fine, but I was hoping to move up our gift exchange to tonight."

I raised an eyebrow. "Really? Why tonight?"

"I found the perfect place where we won't be disturbed but I'm afraid that it'll disappear before tomorrow."

"You didn't—"

Albus grinned and stood up. "Let me show you."

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