Stalker ???

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High School Musical
I do not own high school musical or any of the fabulous characters in this story. I really relate Sharpay, she's such an inspiration to me.
Sharpay's P.O.V

I looked lovingly over at my boyfriend of six months and forever - Troy Bolton. How did he get to be so hot ? I know Troy and I are forever. He's such an amazing basketball player and such a great team player, a real wildcat. I continue to gaze over at him, and as his bright blue eyes meet my mine, I know this is love. There's only one problem: Troy doesn't know he's my boyfriend yet. My brother Ryan flicks me with a bit of paper and tells me that I'm obsessed. I continue to stare at Troy and his gaze meets mine once more. I love him.


Troy's P.O.V

Why is that stalker Sharpay staring at me again ? I'm beginning to get freaked out ! The bell rings, signalling the end of class. I get up to leave and she comes rushing over to talk to me. Oh god.

''Hey Troy ! I was wondering what you were doing this weekend ! Or the next weekend ! Or the weekend after that ! Do you want to hang out ? We can go to Lava Springs - it's going to be so fun !'' Sharpay babbles.

Chad throws me a sympathetic glance.

''Sorry Sharpay, I'd love to do anything but that'' I tell her in a casual fashion, pushing my amazing hair out of my amazing eyes. I'm so hot. I can see why she loves me.

Chad throws me the basketball and we run away together, laughing hysterically.


Sharpays POV

I can't believe Troy would be so mean ! He obviously doesn't know we're forever !

Ryan waits for me outside of class.

"How did that go?'' He asks, a smug grin plastered on his face.

I push past him, and yank open my fluffy pink locker, barely noticing when it slams against a neigbouring locker. One day Troy will love me. As soon as I've ditched my stupid brother and I am an international star on broadway !

Just then a new girl walks past. She had dark hair and deep brown eyes. All the boys stop to stare at her, including Ryan.

'Ryaannnnnn !!!!'' I scream, slapping him.

I march up to my fan club, the anger apparent on my face.

''Who. The. Hell. Is. That ?!'' I demand.

''Gabriella Montez." Brittany dutifully informs me.

''Get me all the dirt you can on her. Stat !" I yell at them and watch as they all scatter.

I look over the balcony of the cafeteria. This is my school and everyone knows it.

"Brrrr brrrr brrrr mah !" I murmur, calming myself with my favourite vocal exercise. Today is not turning out to be fabulous at all.

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