Chapter Sixteen

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It took two hours but I finally got the boys to settle down and we ended up taking some pretty good shots. By some miracle I was able to coexist with Ashton but that was probably because of Luke. He'd stuck to his word and every time Ashton would blow up he would look over to her and smile. I hated to admit it but it calmed me down.

Something about his perfect white teeth made me want to kill Ashton slightly less.

I was sitting on the ground in the photo studio going through the photos I'd just taken and feeling very proud of myself.

"Kimberly?" I heard a deep voice say causing her to jump out of my skin.

"Oh Luke, it's just you." I said glancing up at him.

"Yeah, it's just me." He repeated slowly. "I'm sorry if I scared you."

"No, it's okay. I was just too focused on what I was doing. What did you want?" I asked looking up at him.

"Two things actually. Uh, I think I left my phone here. It must've fallen out my pocket when I was..." He said; his voice trailing off as he looked around the room.

I got up and walked behind the couch. "I'll help you look for it." I said and he came around the couch and started looking.

"Found it!" I called as I stretched under the couch and pulled out his phone. "Here you go." I said handing him his phone.

"Thanks." He said taking the phone and smiling at me.

"You said you wanted two things?" I asked shifting my weight from one leg to another.

He nodded and started playing with his lip ring. "Uh, yeah." He said nervously.

"I uh, well. I don't even know why I'm saying this because I know it won't be sincere. Well I would mean it but... ahh fuck." Luke said running a hand through his blonde hair.

I giggled at how nervous he was getting. "What's it Luke?" I asked smiling at him.

"Nothing big really. I don't know why I can't get my words out. What I'm trying to say is just ignore Ashton. I mean, he wasn't always like this, he wasn't always this, this, uh, angry at the world. I just want to apologize for him. He won't do it but I'm saying I'm sorry for how he is. I just don't want you thinking that we all are like him, because we're not. I just-"

"Luke, it's fine. I know you and the guys aren't like Ashton. Which makes me wonder why he's still in the band. I mean, are drummers really that hard to find?"

"No, we can't kick him out the band. He's our brother. I mean he may be a dick but like I said he wasn't always like that and we love him regardless."

"That doesn't make me hate him any less."

Luke laughed and shook his head. "I'll keep that in mind."

"Just keep him away from me."

Luke nodded and made his way over to the door. When he was halfway there he turned around and stepped up to me. "We've never officially met." He said smiling and stretching out his hand.

"Lucas Hemmings; lead vocals and guitar." I smiled and took his hand.

"Kimberly James; badass photographer."

He chuckled and let go of my hand. "See you on tour." He said walking out the room.


A loud knock on the door woke me up. I didn't even realized I'd fallen asleep. "What?" I groaned without opening my eyes.

"Can I come in?" I heard Jaymi ask from the other side.

"Jaymi, why the hell are you still here?" I asked as I heard him open the door.

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